Chapter five: The stuck up and the old lady

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Meredith's POV:

After the surgery, I felt so much more...accomplished? I'm not sure how to pick out a word that fits it. As an intern, I barely ever got the chance to scrub in on surgeries, especially ones as big as this.

Being a doctor, I wanted to save lives and help people however I could. The feeling of knowing exactly what you set out to do is done, feels so amazing. Like you're on cloud nine with a whole bottle of tequila. It's a feeling indescribable and I have yet to find one to counter it.

"Good job, Grey" Addison smiled.

"You were amazing in there!" I exclaimed. She really was, I had no clue how amazing Addison was at her job.

"I'll be expecting you to scrub in on her c-section in a few weeks" Addison said, before going off to do something that awesome and important surgeons do.

I, on the other hand, met up with Christina and Izzie and Alex and George.

"I just got out of one of Addison's surgeries, holy crap was it amazing! Her technique is perfect, I never knew how great she is at her job!" I said, as I sat down next to Christina.

All four of them gave me weird looks.

"Are you okay?" Christina asked, checking my forehead.

"You seem a little sick" Izzie added.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I ask quizzically.

"Because you're supposed to hate the she-Shepard" Alex piped up.

"She did more or less call you a whore" George added on.

"She's not like that, she said she was sorry for everything" I defended, even though they were right. Addison wasn't supposed to be someone I admired.

"Meredith, you can't let yourself be her friend" Izzie said dead seriously.

"Why the hell not?" I counter.

"Because she wears salmon scrubs" Izzie said, disgustingly "what kind of self respecting surgeon wears pink freaking scrubs?" I actually thought the pink scrubs looked nice with her hair, but I guess Izzie the fashion expert model had a different opinion.

"Izzie's right. Gynie squad or not, there's really no excuse for those scrubs" Alex says.

"I guess it calms down the birthing patients or whatever?" George says questionably.

"It doesn't matter why, you just can't be her friend. It defies every single rule the universe has ever made about married men, their wives and their girlfriends" Izzie tells me.

"Give me a legit reason, Iz" I say, becoming bored with the conversation.

"Because she's married to YOUR McDreamy" Christina says.

"And if you two are friends, it'll be that much harder when things crash and burn between those two and he leaves her for you" Izzie states.

"Guys, that won't happen. And even if it did, who says I want him back?" I ask "he lied to me and he is the reason the whole hospital is calling me a dirty mistress"

"She's got a point" George muttered.

"Meredith, you've been miserable since he left you. You were in love with him" Izzie stressed.

"Frankly, I miss happy Meredith who wasn't contemplating our deaths every second of every day" Christina said "if the man whore brings it back, who am I to say no?"

"Christina!" Izzie yells. George and Alex both laugh.

"He is a bit of a man whore" I mutter.

"Meredith!" Izzie yells at me this time, George and Alex just laugh harder.

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