Chapter twelve: Bunny wants to sue the Hotel

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Addisons POV:

Two days later, Meredith and I were on amazing terms. And I really, really liked her.

It confused me, because I wasn't sure if I was even into girls. I was married to a man for years. But then I see Meredith and suddenly it just...doesn't matter. I don't care which gender she is because she's her.

Then there's Derek.

What I feel with Meredith, it's like nothing I've ever felt before. But at the same time, I'm not sure I want to throw away ten years with someone just because I've got a thing for an intern.

I'm confused, it's no secret. My head is telling me to try harder with Derek, but my heart is telling me that I'd rather be with Meredith.

After a long day at work, I decide to go back to my hotel for the first time in two days. I needed a long ass shower, some clean clothes and a decent bed to sleep in.

There was also supposed to be a lightening storm tonight, and I'd rather be in my hotel sleeping soundly than waking up every ten minutes because someone got rushed to the ER. I was a pregnancy and lady doctor, unless someone took a lightening bolt to the vagina I don't need to be woken up.

But, the downside was that there were no Meredith's at my hotel.

Sighing as I walked to my car, I saw Meredith standing by the hospital with a phone to her ear. She looked angry and annoyed, so I decided to see what was up.

Her expression looked pretty pissed off when I first approached her, but softened when she saw me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask gently. I didn't want to piss her off more.

"Ugh, George is having his family over and they're all loud and messy. Really sweet people, they're absolutely amazing, but I don't want to spend three hours watching his brothers talk about cars while they hit on my ass" Meredith complains "he said he's sorry, he thought I was on call tonight. Izzie is with her boyfriend while he's in town, and I don't have the patience to deal with all of that tonight. So I've got to kill two hours doing God knows what"

I nods thoughtfully "I was heading back to my hotel. You're welcome to come with me, we could go to the bar and talk after I get cleaned up" and there's no George's brothers to hit on your gorgeous ass there, I think to myself, getting a tad jealous at the idea of two idiots looking at her ass.

Her face lightens up "I would love to! But are you sure? You haven't had a break in days, I wouldn't want to ruin any of your plans for your time off"

I smile, loving how she was so worried about me that she didn't care how badly she wanted to spend time with me. "Of course! I'd love to have some company! I'm leaving now, if you didn't drive you can hop in with me"

She smiles and nods gratefully "I didn't drive, Izzie did. I was going to wait for her to get her ass down here, but she's getting ready for her date tonight"

"Let's go then"

The car ride is silent, but it's not a bad silent. It's the kind of silence where you're just enjoying being with the other person, the kind where you don't have to talk because being together is just enough. The kind of silence I'd always craved, but never found.

When we got to the hotel, we went to the elevator where I pushed the button for my floor number and waited for it to go up.

"This is it" I lead Meredith into my room "I'm going to shower, feel free to get something to drink or watch tv"

Meredith nods and sits down on a chair.

I grab some yoga pants and a ratty old shirt that said 'I love NY' and headed to the bathroom. I quickly showered, glad to finally have all the dirt and sweat washed off from a days work.

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