Chapter twenty: The Tangy Story

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Addisons POV:

Four weeks later, it's mid February. The hospital now knows Meredith and I are together, we are on amazing terms and Valentine's Day is fast approaching. It's been three and a half months with Meredith, and I honestly can't wait for even more to come.

After a lot of moving and travelling back and forth to New York, I was finally settled in Seattle. I was renting an apartment not far from the hospital, even though Meredith said I was more than welcome to stay with her.

"I don't want you to get sick of me" I explained as she helped me set up the cable at my new place.

"I wouldn't ever get sick of you!" Meredith wrapped her arms around my waist and lovingly kissed my shoulder. That seemed to be one of her favourite things, peppering me with soft kisses, warm kisses, sloppy kisses and just kisses in general. Of course, I wasn't complaining.

If I was being honest, one of my favourite things to do was touch her. Not sexually, just normally. I liked holding her hand or rubbing her back or casually stroking her arms. I absolutely loved her hips, I don't know why but they were my favourite things. They were pale and smooth and I often found myself snaking a hand under her shirt to caress them or draw circles in them or just lay my hands on them. It was weird, I know, but I couldn't bring myself to really care.

"I know I just don't want you to get bored of me" I say, lying straight through my teeth. I didn't want to tell her the real reason I didn't want to live with her because I didn't want her to feel bad for me.

"Adds, stop lying and tell me the truth" she was peppering more kisses, trying to coax the truth out of me.

I stifle a moan, and turn to face her. This was obviously not going in my favour, so I might as well just bite the bullet.

"Your roommates" I wince "they're so..." I swear, I can't even find the proper words to diss them.

"They're not so bad" she defends.

"I know baby, I know. It's just that I'm not a fan of being woken up every morning to Izzie in her underwear and George trying to hide his crush on you by subtly glaring at me and delivering you coffee in the morning" I, of course, grab her hips and pull her close to me.

"I guess I see your point" a smile dances across her lips "and George does not have a crush on me" she adds.

"Whatever gets you through the night" I'd smirked.

Now, I was stirring coffee in the small kitchen of my apartment while Meredith slept soundly. Turns out, she too was a fan of the peace and quiet that came from my two bedroom, perfectly tiled, open spaces apartment.

I sighed as I heard a knock at the door. Grumbling to myself, I set my coffee down and went to answer the door.

"Addie! Long time no see!" Archer burst into my room, smiling brightly. "Long time no see, baby sis, how are you?"

"Archie" I groaned "it's five am. What the hell?" Only my brother was this cheery at such an ungodly hour.

"I was in town and thought I'd stop by!" He grinned. "How's old Derek? Bizzy sure misses him! I think she likes him better than you!" My brother joked.

"About that..." I still hadn't told my family I was getting a divorce. My Mother, Bizzy, was strict and proper. My family had money, which meant they were stuck up. My father, the captain, was either always drinking or out cheating on Bizzy. We had a very unhealthy dynamic going, which usually resulted in us only seeing each other when my Mother wanted to spy on Archie and I to be sure we were living up to our potential.

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