Chapter eleven: Just Christina and a close call

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A/N- lol everyone's posting 'Omf back to school tmrw' or 'school in two days' but school here doesn't start for another sixteen days. It's weird that some people have been in school for two weeks already and I'm here like ??? It's still August??? Anywho enjoy the chapter :)

Merediths POV:

I woke up pretty early the next morning. I don't know why, I just woke up. Looking down at Addie's sleeping form, I didn't want to move. She looked gorgeous, and I didn't want to wake her.

I don't know how long I lay there, stroking her hair and savouring the moments I got to see her sleeping on my chest soundly. If I had a choice between not being a doctor and waking up this way every morning until the day I die, I'd definitely choose this.

I didn't know what we were, what our close connection made us. All I knew was that I didn't ever want this to end. I wanted her to be with me, to be mine. I wanted to hold her hand, take her to dinner and watch her smile every god damn day.

If that meant I had to wait for her to figure herself out, then so be it. I didn't mind not one bit.

Of course, it was kind of weird considering I'd never really liked a girl before, at least, not like this. But the kind of thing I felt with wasn't something you could really describe. You either had it or you didn't, there was no faking it or ignoring it. When you had it, you knew you had it. And I could successfully say I'd never felt like this with anyone else.

So, to me, it didn't matter. She was a woman, so what? I felt how I felt and it didn't matter who she was or what she was. I wasn't going to let something as stupid as biology hold me back.

I just hoped she felt the same way.

Suddenly, the door burst open and the light turned on. Addie groaned, and buried her head in my neck to shield her eyes from the light.

"Meredith, why are the lights on?" She asked, but since she was buried in my neck, it sounded like 'Mefedif why ark the lies on?'

I was a little nervous, I had no clue who was walking in on me cuddling my boss. Turns out, it was Christina.

Closing the door while laughing, Christina sat down on the bed opposite to us. Addie, still dead to the world and refusing to acknowledge the idea that she had to wake up, was clinging to me like a child as she kept her head buried in my neck.

"I knew there was something different about you" Christina exclaimed "you're doing your boss! Again! No, wait, you're doing your married ex boyfriends wife!"

"Cuddling, Yang" Addie, who'd waken up enough to hear and respond, said. Her face was still buried in my neck, but I could hear her clearly "if you're going to walk in and wake me up, you could at least get your shit together"

Addie was a grumpy morning person.

"Excuse me" Christina said "but why the hell are you two cuddling?"

"Because we can?" Addie sat up and frowned, pissed at being woken up. I sat up with her, and rubbed her back gently to try and keep her from strangling Christina.

"How'd you sleep?" I ignore the presence of my best friend, knowing I'll explain to her later.

"Okay" Addie sighed, as she stood up "but I do have some doctoring to do, I'll see you later" she smiles at me and leaves the room.

"Mere, what the hell?" Christina asks "you and the she-Shepard? Is this some weird coping thing because you can't have Derek?"

I laugh and shake my head "nothing like that. I just...I don't know. It's one of those things you can't explain"

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