Chapter twenty five: Through sickness and planning

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Meredith's POV:

A few days after the 'Bizzy' fiasco, wedding planning was in full swing. We had seven weeks to plan a small but cute wedding, which meant things were rushed.

Honestly, all of our friends were telling us we should wait longer, just to have a month more to plan and prepare. But I wasn't gonna hear it, she was the love of my life and I wanted to make her mine.

Addie had been amazing, the second her Mother left she kicked all her wedding planning into full gear. If anything, the hurtful words her Mother screamed at her just made her more determined to marry me. I knew how much she loved me, and it made my heart melt.

But that didn't mean she had to go all decorating Nazi on me.

In the week following her Mothers visit, Addie had picked out her colour scheme (so did I. Just the colours for our flowers and bridesmaid dresses), she'd found a florist and had me help her pick out floral bunches and arrangements to order, she'd decided we'd have the wedding in the back yard at my place (the guest list only had about 50 or so people on it. Close family and close friends) and had the invitations ordered and ready to go from the printers. She was in a roll, and I was just kinda there for the whole thing.

I woke up one morning on day twelve of wedding planning, and rolled over to put an arm around Addie. She was sleeping soundly, snoring a little which was weird for her. She wasn't much of a snorer, usually just content little sighs and grunts.

She snuggled into me as I pulled her close to me. She tucked her head in the crook of my neck (her favourite spot, no doubt) and sighed a little sigh that made me coo out loud.

"You're so adorable" I smiled down at her, knowing she was sound asleep "my princess" I cooed "so damn sweet"

She clung to me tighter, before waking up with a sneeze.

"Mmf" she mumbled, sounding stuffed up.

"Are you okay, baby?" I ask, running the tips of my fingers down her arm and back up again.

"I think" her voice was scratchy, and she coughed immediately after speaking.

"You're sick" I state matter of factly.

"I can't be sick" she snuffles out "I have things to do today, I finally got a day off since my Mother visited" She coughed, her body wracking as she did so. I felt so bad for her.

"You're staying in bed" I tell her, standing up "I'm going to get some things, you stay here"

She nods weakly and flops back down on the bed. I kiss her forehead, which is burning up with a fever.

I pad downstairs and yawn, before collecting some things I knew I'd need. Some aspirin, a thermometer, a cold cloth, some cough syrup, ice water, and an orange. She needed the vitamin C.

I trekked back upstairs and laid down everything I'd collected.

"Alright, open up" I say gently, holding out a spoonful of cough syrup.

"Ew, no" she protested, rolling over.

"Addie bunny, baby, Princess, you need this for your cough" I cooed, knowing for sure that doctors made the worst patients.

"It's 'isgusting" she said, dropping the D because of her stuffed up nose.

I roll her over and sit her up, kissing her to distract her. "Come on, you'll feel better"

Pouting, (she was trying to look mad but just looked adorable) she reluctantly opened her mouth.

"I have a list of stuff that needed to get done today" she rasps out "think you could try and do it?"

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