Chapter 15 (delayed) part two: Love me, keep me

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A/N- Sorry it took so long go get this up, I'll have another chapter posted after this one to make up for the lack of punctuality, but this chapter took me quite some time to write and edit and write some more. It's an important chapter that took lots of thinking and planning and definitely editing. I've never written a sex scene before so bear with me here, it may not be the best, but I promise it will not be cringe worthy (I once read some sexy times where the author used the term 'snatch' for a vagina and it made me laugh way too hard). I am also sorry for the long ass but very very necessary and important AN you guys should definitely read. If you don't read, you may not get the chapter.

Okay so quick little explanation here for this odd chapter name. I had no idea where I could fit something sexy into the chapter I have planned to write that comes immediately after the last one in chronological order. As I said, I'm not just throwing some plotless porn into this story at random. So, if you remember (maybe go back for a re-read if you can't) Chapter 15; Love me, keep me is the Chapter where Meredith and Addie FINALLY decide to get together as an official couple. At the end of the chapter and the beginning of Chapter 16, it's HEAVILY implied that at the end of Chapter 15, Mer and Addie had sex for the first time. So, because that's such an important and touching, not to mention lovey dovey, part of the book, this chapter is going to be a follow up of Chapter 15 where we see what happened the first time Mer and Addie had sex. I thought this would be a fun idea, because it is such an important relationship mile stone and it fits in nicely. We can refer to this chapter as something like a bonus chapter following up the end of Chapter 15.

I hope you all enjoy, and without further interruption, here is 'Love me, keep me; extended edition!'


Addison's POV: (Chapter 15 ended in Meredith's POV)

We left the bathroom in somewhat of a rush, anxious to get home and have some time to ourselves. I wanted this, I wanted her, more than anything else I wanted her, but I was also fairly nervous about what would happen when we got home.

I had been with a grand total of six people in my entire life (counting both Derek and Mark), and all six were men. I didn't exactly consider myself experienced with men, and I definitely considered myself clueless with a woman. I'd never so much as kissed a woman before; Meredith was my first.

I knew Meredith had been with women before (she told me about her college experiments and her trip to Europe) and she told me while she'd never really properly kissed a girl or had romantic feelings for a girl, she had had sex with girls before. Up until I met her, I considered myself as straight as a pole. I had never done a thing with another woman, and the idea that Meredith had been with other women before me was fairly intimidating.

I guess it was completely safe to say that I was terrified of messing up. I wanted this to be good for both of us, and I just couldn't see how that was possible when I didn't know what to do.

The drive home was short; we were both obviously ready to have sex with each other, we both wanted to, so the sexual tension in the air as we drove home was enough to kill. Mer drove as fast as she could, going out of her way to avoid roads with lots of traffic, stop signs and traffic lights.

Before I could blink, we were inside and she was kissing me again.

I vaguely heard the door slam shut behind us as she pinned me against the wall and kissed me like it was the first time we'd ever laid eyes on each other. Her hands were on my ass, squeezing lightly, while mine went to her hips. I always seemed to be eye-balling her hips, no matter where we were or what we were doing, it was always her hips my eyes traveled to.

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