Chapter twenty two: Rationally heartbroken?

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Addisons POV:

A few weeks later, things were still good with Meredith and I. Amazing, actually. We had good communication, a good understanding of each other and very good sex.

It was the best relationship I can say I have ever had.

And I was married for ten years.

I was sitting in bed, Meredith's bed, looking over some notes and papers for a surgery. There was a really, really rare case coming in and I was studying up so I knew exactly what to say to the parents when they asked any questions.

Mere, was sitting curled up on my side trying to get my attention on her and away from my reading.

"Pay attention to meee" she whined, poking my ribs.

"'M reading" i murmured, flipping a page "we'll watch a movie in a couple of hours, don't worry baby"

"I wanna spend time with you now" she kissed up and down my neck, trying to win me over.

"Not working, Mere" I sigh, still focused on my reading.

"I guess I'll have to try method B" she says absently.

I thought method B was go and bug Izzie or George, but apparently not. She kept on kissing me and poking me, but I didn't budge. I had to finish this reading.

All of a sudden, I felt a slimy, wet line go from my collar bone to my ear.

She freaking licked me.

"Ew!" I exclaimed, throwing my reading aside "gross! You licked me!"

Standing up and smirking, she crossed her arms triumphantly.

"Should've paid more attention to me!" She giggled.

I stood up "I am so going to get you for that!"

"Not if you can't catch me!" She runs out the door, and I quickly follow.

"Mere, you are so dead!" I laugh, chasing her down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Can't catch me!!!" She squeals, as we run in circles.

"I bet I can!" I laugh.

"Nope!" She keeps on running.

"Meredith" Izzie yells from the living room. Meredith just ignores her and runs into the living room, I run behind her and tackle her, throwing myself on her back and wrapping my legs around her waist.

"Gotcha!" I smile, as she teeters and wobbles before falling backwards on the couch.

"Looks like the tables have turned, Miss Addie Bunny" she smirks, on top of me. I laugh, as Izzie clears her throat.

"Mere" she says more urgently.

"Not now, Iz" she whines, kissing me lightly "I'm spending time with my love"

"So I'm your love?" I tease "because you were TORTURING me a few minutes ago!"

"Addison" Izzie says.

"She licked me! What was I supposed to do? Not chase her?" I ask, kissing Meredith lightly again.

"You're all adorable, really, but-" Izzie tried again, but Meredith cuts her off.

"Let me be, Iz. The love of my life is under me and she's wearing my Dartmouth shirt. Which, by the way, looks amazing. She's all gorgeous and cute, and FINALLY paying attention to me so I think I'd like to be left alone" Mere puts her forehead against my own, smiling.

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