Chapter forty four: wash, dry, fold, repeat.

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Quick AN: for those of you who don't know what old wives tales because you've never heard of it, old wives tales are different tricks and rituals women used back in the day to try and predict baby's genders. They have no credibility, but people still do them today because they think they're fun. Enjoy!

Addison's POV:

Wash, dry, fold, repeat.

That was my entire life since we'd started shopping for baby clothes. We'd bought lots of gender neutral things, some girl things and some boy things. We planned on having more than one baby, so anything gender specific that we couldn't use for this baby, we'd use for our next.

I was on load three of baby laundry, and I still had another to go before I started the blankets, towels, face cloths, and burp rags. All of the really formal clothes (not that anything for a baby was really overly formal; mostly just matching outfit sets) were hung up in the closet, but all the onesies, sleepers, footie pyjamas, and random things like socks, pants, shirts and bibs were folded neatly and put into drawers.

"I'm sick of folding" I complain to Meredith, who's putting the stroller together. She'd been more helpful putting together the things we hadn't had Callie or Alex assemble because she really, really couldn't do laundry. Not only did she get bored and distracted, but she didn't realize that the whites and darks needed to be separated.

"We bought too much stuff" Meredith said, seemingly agreeing with me. We'd went out and got enough clothes for the baby until he or she is almost nine months old. Most people bought things for three months, maybe even six months, because there's no guarantee that the baby will fit into the clothes.

We got excited. We justified it by saying we'd use these clothes as hand me downs for the next baby.

"We really did, and I haven't even had a baby shower yet!" I complain. Callie insisted on throwing me a baby shower, and when Cristina heard she declared that as Meredith's best friend, she'd help. I was expecting lots of flashy and pink on Callie's part, and lots of blue and subtle on Cristina's part.

They evened each other out.

"Maybe we could call Cristina and Callie, tell them no clothes?" Meredith suggested "toys, books, little decorations or knick knacks, stuff like that instead. At this rate, if we get more clothes, we won't be able to fit it all in the dresser or the closet"

She wasn't wrong; the amount of cute little yellow and white footie pyjamas alone took up two drawers.

"If we need to, I'll go buy a storage tub and we'll store all the stuff he won't need till he's bigger in the top of the closet" I finished folding, and begin to gently lay each article of clothing in the corresponding drawer. 

"Hopefully, we won't need to"


Two weeks later, at my baby shower, I knew that I'd need to shop for some storage tubs. Because Callie the baby maniac had all but gifted us our own boutique of pink and frilly baby clothes.

Cristina stuck to books, blocks, and learning toys. I appreciated it more than anyone would ever know.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Meredith smiled. The baby shower was at Callie and Cristina's apartment, since they were roommates the planning worked out well. There was a cake, half blue and half pink, there was a jar of pink and blue jelly beans that everyone had to guess the number of, cookies and cupcakes all in different colours with different baby things on them littered the counters, and gifts took up the entire kitchen table.

"It's really cute" I agree, looking at all of the hard work they put into it. I was grateful, having friends like this made my heart grow.

"We have some more activities!" Callie smiled and clapped her hands as everyone in the room gave her their undivided attention. Invited to the baby shower (besides Meredith, Callie, Cristina and I) was Bailey, Arizona, Izzie, Alex, George, Dr. Webber, Lexie (Meredith had taken a liking to her after all), Lexie's mother Susan (who was acting as Meredith's Mother, which Meredith would never admit she appreciated even though she did), Naomi (who'd been gifted a badge that said 'baby maker' upon her arrival, since she technically made our baby), Naomi and I's mutual friends Charlotte and Violet, Naomi's husband Sam (they'd all flown to Seattle for the day, they missed the wedding and claimed they'd never miss this) , and our two mutual fiends Cooper and Pete.

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