In the future...

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When I was younger, I thought that flip-phones were the coolest type of phones. I still believe in that, and I'm disappointed that they're not as common as they were back in my day.

Now, with all this advanced technology that keeps popping up, our parents/grandparents are rambling about how they didn't have these things when they were our age.

"Back in my day, the phones we had were the size of bricks, and there was this long antenna attached to it."

"Back in my day, the televisions we had were small and square, and they didn't have any color."

"Back in my day, we didn't have video games. We'd go outside and play hopscotch, jump rope, jacks, or just hang out with our friends."

"Back in my day, a bottle of Coca-Cola was only worth a nickel. What now, youngsters?"

I bet that in the future, we're all going to sound like this:

"Back in my day, no one could afford Google Glasses. We just wrote the answers to the test on the lenses. It didn't work out so well."

"Back in my day, we didn't have hover-boards. We just had a platform on two wheels called, 'Hover-Board,' and it made you feel like you were actually hovering. No one could buy it for a cheap price, because the cheap knockoffs would always explode in your face."

"Back in my day, the Apple company was always coming out with new Apple iPhones, and the newer versions didn't look any different from last year's iPhone. They just added more techy stuff. Those iPhones would come out so fast that buy the time you finally got rid of your old phone and purchased the new phone, the new iPhone was already out. It's still like that today!"

Yup. Welcome to 2040, everyone!

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