I'm not shy

72 4 16

Another tag... thanks MatthewAngel.

1) Post all of the rules.
2) Tag 15 people.
3) Provide 13 facts of yourself.
4) Answer all questions given to you.
5) Provide 13 questions for those being tagged.
6) You must do this tag.
7) Follow all the rules.


1) Most people would think that I'm a very responsible student and get good grades, but once you get to know me, sometimes that's not the case.

2) I'm playing as Kelsi Nielsen in my school's High School Musical Jr. production (no need to congratulate me because I kind of had no choice).

3) Yes, in fact, I can and have been chill on some occasions; it's just a rare thing for me.

4) I still have the Barbie dolls that I grew up with (by 'still have' I mean still in the house). I wrote the names I gave them on their bellies in sharpie, so whenever I would play with them, I wouldn't have to create a new name each time.

5) I sleep-eat (that's like sleep-walking, but with eating instead. Though I guess that also involves sleep-walking).

6) I will never grow up, because half of my mind will stay 9-years-old forever.

7) Have I mentioned in this book already that I suffer from mild short-term memory loss? Oh, wait. That was the Dory chapter. See?

8) I ship Daniel Tiger x Catarina from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. OMG! I'm watching an episode with my little brother right now. Daniel and Catarina are playing house, and Prince Wednesday just ran between the two growling, "SCARY BEAR!!!!" and I'm laughing my ass off because he's the cutest cockblock, and Daniel was pissed.

9) Now watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, I really miss my childhood.

10) Last night, darling, I lost my underwear.

Jkjkjk I'm so sorry I just had to 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

11) I'm funny and entertaining? Here, yes. In reality, more like quiet, but awkward when I'm not quiet. With squad tho, there's no chill.

12) Yeah, I'm bi, but if you ask, I'm all for the meow meow.

13) Also currently suffering from stage over 9000 of fucking cANCER


1) How did you start on WattPad?

Gosh, it'll be almost a year now. I think it started when I was watching some Ereri AMVs on YouTube, and I decided to read one of the fanfics of that AMV (can't exactly remember which AMV it was), which led me here.

2) Do you weapon? If so, how good?

Uhh... yes?

3) What is your OTP?

Everyone knows I ship Ereri, so instead I'll say Springles and Clack.

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