lol some craziness

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Alexander: Alexander Hamilton~

Aaron: Alexander?

Alexander: Aaron Burr, sir.

Hercules: HERCULES MULLIGAN *kaboom*

Lafayette: *holds large baguettes like guns resting on his shoulders and walks away from explosion all swagger and shit while crowd chants 'Lafayette!'*

John: Alexander...

Alexander: Laurens...

*cue intimate moment*

Maria: *spreads legs*

Alexander: *oh*

John: Alexander no

Philip: I am a poet.

George: I'm tired. I want to go home.

Angelica: Angelica~

Eliza: Eliza~


Donkey: And Donkey!

Aaron: Thomas!

Thomas: What'd I miss?

King: Me. That's what you miss. ;3

Side Note: Let's be real tho the entire Hamilton cast would make great Pokémon xDD

Me: "Hercules Mulligan, I choose you!"

Hercules: "Herrcuulees... MuulliigAAANNN" *kaboom*

Anyway lol I dunno this was supposed to be one of those things where characters keep saying each others' names but then it kind of turned into something else

Still good

oH ALSO Lily's taking me to a Hamilton show~

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