[1]GerIta: Innocence

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"Germany, Germany!" Italy calls poking his head through the door into the office.

"Yes, Italy?" Germany says not looking up from his paperwork.

"Lets go do something you've been working all day," Italy whines skipping over to the German.

"I'm busy."

"C'mon Doitsu, please!"

Germany sighs and set the document in his hand down. "What do you want to do?"

Italy cheers, it surprisingly didn't take much effort on Italy's part to convince Germany to do something together, and this fact frustrates Germany to no end.

"Let's go to the park!" Italy says excitedly and rushes out the door.

Germany takes off his reading glasses, grabs his coat and follows the spunky Italian. They go to a park not too far away from Germany's house. Italy convinces Germany to push him on the swings and the reddish-brown haired man then plays on the playground while the stocky blonde watches.

Italy has always fascinated Germany. He knows the Italian has lived a long time and seen many awful things yet he still acts as happy-go-lucky as a young child. Furthermore Germany could not quite figure out why he liked hanging around the Italian so much, that childish behavior would normally annoy him but for some reason his ally is different.

"C'mon Germany follow me!" Italy says grabbing Germany's hand.

This causes him to blush and the German man is dragged along as his companion skips along to a meadow. They lay down next to each other and look up at the sky. Italy's hand is still in Germany's.

"Hey, Doitsu?"


"We're friends, right?" He asks sweetly.

"O-of course," the flustered German says.

He doesn't understand the feelings he is having. He thinks that maybe he should consult someone but who would he ask? He wasn't a child anymore so not Prussia and the only other person that was older and good at giving advice would be France, who is even more of a bad idea. Besides Germany had a suspicion of what both of them would say.

"Well that's good because I want to be friends with you forever," Italy says smiling over at him.

The German man blushes even redder and doesn't say anything. They eventually return home and make dinner together. It was very easy for Italy to convince Germany to let him make pasta. They eat together while Italy goes off on different topics while Germany listens.

Italy has the ability to tell when people are listening. After years of being the person who has the bubbly personality he could tell if people were just pretending to listen. This is how he knows Germany is special because Germany always listens. No matter what he is doing or how busy he is, Germany shows he cares by making Italy feel like someone cares about him.

"What do you want to do next?" Italy asks after they clean their dishes.

"I don't know, you can choose," Germany says awkwardly.

Italy thought for a second. "Let's watch a movie!"

They end up watching an Italian romance. Before they are even halfway through Italy snuggles up against Germany. The small Italian falls asleep during the movie which Germany is glad of because he cried a little at the end of the film.

The credits role and Germany looks down at his sleeping comrade. He gently picks up the Italian and carries him to his room. Them sharing a bed had become a common occurrence since Italy often has nightmares and if he was being honest he just likes being with Germany. He is warm and it made the young Italian feel safe.

Germany put the covers over the both of them. The Italian stirs and slowly woke up, it was hard for Germany to tell sometimes since Italy's eyes don't really open.

"Germany?" Italy says followed by a yawn.


"Do you like me?"

Germany could feel his face heat up. "Of course, you're my friend."

"I mean like like me because when I'm with you I feel really safe and happy and my heart feels all fluttery. I just want to know if it's okay to fall in love with you."

Germany, needless to say is shocked and has trouble formulating a coherent response. As he thought about his own feelings, something he was not used to doing, he discovered that he may feel the same.

"Germany?" The Italian nervously asks after moments of silence.

Germany turned over to face the Italian and pulled him into a hug.

"I... feel the same way," Germany says embarrassed but sincere.

Italy smiles brightly. "Yay, I'm glad!"

He kisses the German on the cheek and then kisses him hesitantly on the lips. Germany kisses back and they share a moment of pure bliss. The Italian smiles brightly as he drifts back to sleep in his lover's strong arms.

Germany, found himself with a smile as well. He has found himself in love with the personification of North Italy and that made him happy.


A/N: Yay first one! I wanted to start with something sweet. Please tell me what you think and if I should continue. I hope to update regularly and as it says in the description I will take requests! Thanks for reading!

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