[17]RusPru: Here With You

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A/N: WARNING, mentions of mild physical abuse but nothing serious. This is also a bit darker than what I've been writing so please be aware. This is kind of an odd ship since I'm a hardcore PruCan fan but I think it's an interesting relationship dynamic. Hope you enjoy!


Prussia finally made it back to his room and collapsed on his bed, exhausted. As if the mental strain of living with Prussia was enough the creepy country was very aggressive when provoked, or just when he felt like it. Prussia had also been keeping in shape just in case he was forced to fight or on the slim chance there was an opportunity for escape. Needless to say, he was exhausted.

He then hears a knock at the door, he groans. "Who is it?"

"It's Lithuania," a timid voice says.

"C'mon in," Prussia says sitting up.

Lithuania enters the room with a tray of food. "I thought you might be hungry."

"Thanks," Prussia responds taking off his coat.

"Mr. Prussia!" Lithuania exclaims in a concerned tone.


"Your arm."

Prussia looks at the bruises that adorn his upper arm. He just smile at Lithuania and shrugs.

"It's nothing, I was being stupid," he says nonchalantly. "Nothing to worry about."

Lithuania looks at him sadly but nods and bids him goodnight. Once he is gone Prussia sighs and looks over at the food Lithuania had brought. Despite his hunger, he is too tired to walk over.

"You should eat," a voice says behind him.

Prussia flinches, Russia comes over and sits next to him. The light blonde country looks at his subordinate with concern. He reaches over to the food and grabs a piece of bread and gives it to Prussia. The latter reluctantly accepts it, he hasn't had an eating problem but he is confused as to why Russia is worried and even trying to help him.

"You should go to sleep soon," Russia says standing up.

Prussia watches him leave in silence. After his door closes, Prussia lets out a long sigh and ate some of the food. He then went to sleep, his thoughts filled with confusion.


For the next couple of days Prussia does his best to keep his distance from Russia. He had known Russia and other powerful, scary countries like him for a long time so being around them didn't bother him as much. The difficulty of this situation was that Russia was very involved in their lives if he was home but Prussia had been in many wars so he is very aware of evasion tactics, so he has been successful in avoiding him thus far.

He woke up early one morning to run. Putting on his uniform shorts and a tank top and went out on Russia's extensive grounds. While going on his normal route he sees someone in the distance. As he gets closer he recognizes that it is, of course, Russia. Prussia curses his luck when Russia notices him.

"Good morning," Russia says with a smile.

"Morning," Prussia responds.

The awkwardness is very evident in the crisp morning air.

"Walk with me," Russia says and starts to walk.

Prussia reluctantly obeys, they walk along beautiful gardens of Russia's place. Despite the stress that this place causes him, Prussia could not deny that it is beautiful.

"Can I ask you a question Prussia, and if you could, could you please answer honestly?" Russia requests.

Prussia looks at him confused. "Sure."

"What do you think of me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I try to have friends but I know they are scared of me. You aren't as scared of me but I don't think you like me."

Prussia is shocked by his confession and thinks really hard about his answer. "Well, I wouldn't consider us friends but I don't hate you, I guess."

More awkward than Prussia intended but Russia seemed to appreciate it.

"Very well then, I shall become your friend," he says with conviction.

Prussia is once again confused. "What?"

Russia just smiles as they return back to the manor, but not his normal slightly creepy smile but a genuine, happy one.


The experience following that incident for Prussia was interesting to say the least. Russia would send him extra food and good food at that. Prussia would go to his daily chores and find some of them already done, he asked the others and they didn't know anything. It confused him to say the least and it only started getting weirder.

Russia would come to his room around the time he wakes up. The other country would wish him a good morning as he came out the door. They would walk to a room that Russia normally ate his meals in and eat breakfast together. This would have been fine, Russia said he was going to try to make friends with him but he would also do things like kiss the top of Prussia's head and just make a lot more physical contact than usual. Prussia went with it up until that point but one incident changed everything.

He was walking through the halls one morning on his way to find something for lunch and a strong hand grips his arm and guides him against the wall. Suddenly Prussia feels a pair of lips meet his with a surprising gentleness but with a lot of passion. After Russia releases him he stares at the larger country in shock.

Russia just smiles back at him with an unknown emotion in his eyes. Prussia's pale cheeks are now red and he stutters out an answer.

"I thought you were just trying to be my friend," he says finding himself not actually that upset.

"I admit that was my original plan but an unexpected development has occurred," Russia says staring into Prussia's red eyes.

"And what is that?" Prussia asks with a small smile.

"I believe that I have developed a strong emotional attachment to you."

Prussia blushes and Russia grips his arm. It was probably meant to be gentle and possessive but Prussia flinched due to his bruises. Russia's face filled with concern and he took Prussia's jacket and gently pulled it back so he could see his arms. Russia ran his fingers  gently over the bruises, which caused Prussia to shudder. Then Russia pulls him into a hug.

The larger country holds him tightly but delicately. "Prussia, please don't leave me."

For probably the hundredth time over the last few days Prussia was surprised by Russia. He hugs the Russian back.

"Don't worry, I won't."

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