[50]Multi-Ship: Proposals

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A/N: Please Read okay hopefully that got your attention. This is a long multi-ship one in celebration this books 50th chapter. Also an important announcement as my school year is almost over in going to slow my updates to once or twice a week. This book has been my creative outlet over a more stressful time of my life. I'm still taking requests for now but I will probably start working on other stuff as well.

Anyway thank you to all of you for reading these uncreative, slightly repetitive stories. Like I said this one is long, took me forever to write but I'm proud of it. I hope you enjoy!



Lithuania is getting himself ready in preparation for a date with Poland. They have been dating for three years and Lithuania thinks things are going well. He does feel like things have become a bit stagnant though, he hopes that he is still enough for Poland. He honestly can't imagine life without the other.

He hears a knock on the door and he opens it to see the smirking face of his lover.

"You ready to go?" He asks giving Lithuania a peck on the lips.

"Just a moment," Lithuania says and returns inside to put his shoes on.

Once done they walk out and drive to the restaurant. They go to a semi formal restaurant that they have already been to several times. It is hard to find a place that does not mind Poland's choice in clothing. It makes Poland very happy though whenever Lithuania stands up for him.

They order their food and begin talking about no topic in particular. When the food arrives they each their meals happily. Conversation continues and throughout it Lithuania notices that Poland starts acting weird. After they finish their food they walk to the local theater.

"Is their a show playing tonight?" Lithuania asks.

"Nope, I just want to show you something," Poland says happily.

He takes Lithuania's hand and drags him inside and onto the stage.

"Stay here," he directs and leaves Lithuania there confused.

A few seconds later the lights suddenly turn off and a spotlight is set on him. Even more confused, he waits a little while longer and Poland returns.

"What is...?" Poland puts his finger on Lithuania's lips.

Poland gets on one knee and takes a small box out of his handbag. Lithuania looks at him in shock.

"Liet, you are my best friend, you have always looked out for me and frankly you are the most fabulous person I've ever met. I love you like, so freaking much. Will you marry me?"

Both men at this point are smiling widely and Lithuania can't help but nod frantically and finally burst out a "Yes!" They share a kiss in the luminous spotlight as if they are the only two people in the world.


Japan has had a bad week but luckily being able to go see Greece meant cat therapy and there is nothing better than that. He knocks on Greece's door and already has two cats rubbing up against his leg. The tall Grecian man opens the door and automatically sees his lover's distress.

Japan is then pulled inside and has about ten kittens piled around and on him as well as Greece giving him a back massage.

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