[66]FrUk: Misunderstandings

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The meeting hadn't even begun and France and England were already at it having a dispute in the hallway. What they are arguing about doesn't really matter as it was probably completely unfounded. The argument had reached the stage where they are just yelling insults at each other.

"Idiot Frog!"

"Black sheep of Europe!"

"King of failed revolutions!"

That really hit France and he grabs England by the collar and gets right in his face.

"I'll have you know that my revolution inspired all later European revolutions!"

England prepared his retort but is not able to deliver it as America walks in on them.

"Oh, sorry for interrupting," he says, smiling at them and then leaves the room.

Both countries immediately push away from each other. England straightens his suit jacket and walks off. France watches him go and a strange thought comes to his head but he immediately dismisses it.


As everyone is sitting down for the meeting England tries to sit next to America but he insists on Japan sitting next to him. France tries to sit next to Canada but Prussia gets in his way. Everyone else has taken a seat and the only chairs available are next to each other. They stare at each other both refusing to move.

"Would you two please sit down?" Germany asks anxious to start the meeting.

England glares at France. "Fine," he says and sits down reluctantly.

France rolls his eyes and sits down as well. Not five minutes into the meeting England whispers harshly to France.

"Get your papers out of my space," England says and moves France's papers two centimeters towards France.

"Well I want them there," France whispers defiantly moving them back.

"Stop being a child," England says angrily.

"Oh I'm being a child?" France then kicks England's leg.

"Yes!" England says kicking him.

They go back and forth like this until Germany gets fed up with them.

"Would you two stop playing footsie and pay attention!" Germany yells.
Other countries around them snicker.

"I... we weren't," England tries to deny anything.

They both stop after that and avoid each other entirely for the rest of the meeting.


After the meeting ends France goes into one of the separate room and lays down on one of the couches, exhausted from the long meeting. But his relief is short lasted as England walks into the room looking very angry.

"What was that for?!" England questions angrily walking up to him.

"I don't know what your talking about," France says.

"I'm talking about your antics in the meeting! Why must you make my life so difficult?"

"I make your life difficult? You're the one who insists on arguing about every little thing."

"I'll have you know..." England is cut off as he stepped towards France but was tripped by the blonde country.

Although as not intended by either of them England falls towards France and catches himself but is directly over France. The latter looks at him in shock and England feels heat rise to his face.

"Papa, are you in here?" A quiet voice asks.

Both men turn there heads to see Canada who sees them and is immediately uncomfortable.

"Um, s-sorry I'll leave," Canada apologizes, embarrassed.

The poor young country leaves the room before the other ones can say anything. England immediately gets off of France.

"Um let's never speak of this again," England says.

France says nothing and England exits the room quickly.


Later that evening all of age countries went out drinking together. England knew better than to drink too much. But he wants to get France back for earlier that day so he pretends to be drunk. He walks up to France unsteadily and leans on him a bit.

"Hey beautiful, you come here often?" England slurs, mentally praising himself for his acting skills.

France's eyes widen and Prussia and Spain start to giggle. France motions for them to go away and then he does something unexpected. He wraps his arm around England and smiles at him.

"Oh on occasion, what is a gorgeous thing like you doing here?" France asks sweetly.

England wonders if France is on to him and is acting as well or if he is being serious and if so, why?

"I dunno but you're very pretty," England continues his acting.

"Why thank you," France says and does the last thing England would ever expect.

France turns England's chin to face him and he kisses England. The very startled Englishman jumps back in shock. France realizes that that England is not in fact drunk.

"What the heck, were you going to take advantage of me?!" England says angrily and still in shock.

France stares at him sadly. "Just forget anything happened."

Now this confused England as well, normally with an accusation like that France and him would be arguing. So many unanswered questions race through England's mind. Without much thought he races after France out the bar and into the alleyway.

"Wait!" He yells breathlessly.

France stops and turns around.
"Why did you kiss me?" England asks.

France shrugs. "I'm just a pervy bastard right?" He says bitterly and turns around again.

England grabs his wrist. "What is wrong with you, you never act this way?"

"Do you really want to know the truth?"


France sighs. "England, I love you, I've been in love with you for a very long time. I guess I'm just a coward because I know you'd reject me so I've resolved to continue our arguments if it means I can at least speak to you. Now can you leave me to my pain and heartbreak."

He yanks his wrist out of England's grasp and starts to walk away.

"You're an idiot," England says quietly.

France stops and turns around once again.

"Why did you assume I wouldn't be open to a relationship?" England says.

Now it's France's turn to look at the other in shock.

"I mean, I'm not in love with you but I don't hate you, I guess," England says awkwardly.

France laughs for a moment and walks over to England.

"Thank you," France says and kisses England's forehead.

"For what?" England asks his face very red.

"Giving us a chance," he says hugging the Brit.

"Frog," England says, still embarrassed.

France lets out a little laugh and keeps a hold of his dear companion.

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