[29]USUK: Attention

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A/N: Warning, this one has a bit heavier fluff than I normally write. Compared to others it's not that bad but I thought I'd just put something. There is no smut, I'm just an awkward young child and it was a bit odd to write.


England is happy with America, he really is. The idiot American has somehow captured the stubborn British man's heart. America seems to care for him just as much as the Brit does, the affectionate child would almost never leave him alone.

Except for this time, the one time that England wouldn't mind cuddling or kissing even. But no, the American has spent the entire day in a dark room playing a video game under a blanket with his alien friend. Mr. Tony had decided to take a midday nap so the Englishman could enter without being called a 'Limey Bastard' on repeat.

He sits down next to America who does not seem to notice him. Frustrated by this, England moves closer to him and rests his head on America's blanketed shoulder. With no response to this action, he begins to poke the American's cheek his no avail. America remains focused on his game.

"America," England says irritated.

He pokes America's side where he is normally ticklish but somehow the concentration has made him immune. England sighs and rubs his forehead.

"America!" England yells right in his ear.

He tries that a couple more times, speaking louder and poking harder. Nothing works and England is getting very fed up. So he kisses America on the cheek. With no response he gives a few more kisses and then on his ear and to his neck. This doesn't work but England keeps trying to get the others attention.

He removes one of America's hands from the controller but America can play almost as well with one hand. England moves to America's lap and the latter moves his head in order to see the screen. England sighs and hugs America nuzzling his face into the other's neck and just resting there. He supposed that this is good enough.

America soon finishes his level and he looks to see his lover hugging him. He smiles and ruffles the Englishman's hair, the other stirs and moves to look at the American. He glares at America and crosses his arms.

"Someone wants attention," America smiles.

England scoffs. "And someone doesn't seem to want to give it."

He tries to move off America's lap but is stopped by two strong arms that pull him into a passionate kiss. After coming up for air the Brit is still irritated.

"Awe Iggy, I'm sorry was I being mean?" America grins.

England doesn't respond, he looks everywhere but at America. The latter tries to kiss the stubborn Brit but is unsuccessful. England moves his head out of the way.

"England c'mon," America pouts.

The Brit smirks and refuses to let him make contact. America decides it's time to use something he really knows will work.

"Great Britain~," he says in a low voice.

The British man goes red, call it a pride thing but he rather liked it when the American called him that. He finally gives in and America showers him with kisses. The two of them are finally on the same page and England kisses him back.

"Hey Iggy you know I love you, right?" America says between kisses.

England rolls his eyes. "Yes, it just hurts to be ignored," he responds honestly.

America grins apologetically. "Sorry Iggy but you know I love you right?" He gives him a hesitant kiss on the lips.

England sighs and decides to forgive him. "Fine I love you, too."

"Yay!" The American cheers obnoxiously.

England rolls his eyes and attacks America with his lips. Yes, he does truly love this ridiculous American and America loves his stubborn British man. Despite what has happened in the past and the pride of both men, they have been able to overcome it and be together. And really, what  better love story is there?


A/N: Oh my gosh, so cheesy-_-

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