[21]DenNor/SuFin: Lost and Found

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A/N: This one is my low-key experiment with a frame story. I probably failed but whatever, this was a  really fun one to write. I actually created a reason for why the Nordics are all living together which might have been unnecessary but again whatever. I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!


It was a time of economic hardships for the Nordic countries so they decided it would be a good idea to all live together for awhile. Some countries were more excited than others, Finland and Denmark came up with the idea and Sweden would go with whatever Finland decided. Iceland didn't care enough but it was Norway who was skeptical but there was nothing he could do, his boss thought it was a good idea, therefore he had to.

They lived in a large house in Sweden, everyone got their own room except Sweden and Finland shared one. This was also the time where they were taking care of Sealand and he also got his own room. One would think that everyone would be content, they all had their own space and the house was large enough and it had everything they would need. Sadly though, if you have six countries in the same vicinity of each other, their are going to be some problems.

First off was the issue of Sealands use of the tv, since they were trying to conserve money they only had one. Finland and Sweden were usually good at monitoring his screen time but when they were at work it caused some problems.

"You've been watching SpongeBob for three hours!" Iceland exclaimed.

"So, I can do whatever I want," the younger country said stubbornly.

"That is not a valid argument."

"Why don't you just watch it on your phone, you're always on it anyway."

"Norway took it from me."


"He didn't like me texting Hong Kong, he isn't even allowed to do that he might be my brother but he isn't in charge of me," Iceland complained bitterly.

"Why don't you just get it back?"

"He hid it somewhere and knowing him it will be hard to find, plus this house is freaking ginormous."

Sealand sat there and thought for a few moments. "I'll help you find it!"


"Sure it'll be fun and no one is getting back home for awhile and you don't have work today!" The younger country had been running out of things to do.

"I guess, where should we start?"

Sealand smiled deviously and in a low voice said. "Norway's room."

Another issue that arouse with being in the same house was the closeness of everyone's rooms. Norway was lucky enough to get one right across the hall from Denmark. As a result the Dane took it upon himself to wake the other Nordic up every morning. He respected his privacy and never went in the room without permission. Still the persistent behavior of Denmark and his constantly wanting to be around him was really starting to bother Norway.

When he finally confronted Denmark about this issue the other just smiled at him. He agreed to tell Norway if he would go to lunch with him the next day. Norway reluctantly consented to this and the next day they met at a diner after work. After that Denmark stated actually going into Norway's room, with permission of course.

As the youngest Nordics approached Norway's room they did so very slowly.

"We have to be careful he may have put a spell on the door," Iceland cautioned.

"You believe he can do that?" Sealand asked.

Iceland stayed silent and slowly turned the nob, he peaked through the crack in the door. The room was dark and as he opened it more, they slowly entered in. Sealand found the light switch and once they could see, they were kind of surprised. The room looked perfectly normal, Norway's flag hung on the wall, their was a large bookcase filled with thick books, some old, some new.
From there the two decided to start looking. There were careful to put everything back in it's original place. They searched with no avail.

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