[73]HongIce: Sympathy

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Iceland was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone when he senses a presence behind him.

"What do you want Norway?" He asks.

"Don't you have paperwork?" Norway questions.

"I've already done it, online and sent to my boss, seriously you still use paper?"

Norway grunts. "Did you do the dishes?"

"This morning."

"Call me big brother."


Norway steps closer to him. "Call me big brother."

"No," Iceland gets up and starts walking away.

"Call me big brother," Norway follows him.

Ice turns a corner and sprints and locks himself in his room. Denmark has been gone to his country for a month now and Norway has been getting increasingly more clingy. Iceland turns his phone back on and texts Hong Kong.

Iceland: Save me!

Hong Kong responds almost immediately.

Hong Kong: What's up?

Iceland: It's Norway

Hong Kong: Say no more

Iceland smiles but then hears Norway's breathing. He decides to listen to music and hope that Norway leaves. Not long after Iceland once again hears something behind him except this time it's a welcome sight. Iceland opens the window and lets Hong Kong in.

"Hey babe," Hong Kong gives him a kiss.

"Babe? Really?" Iceland raises his eyebrow.

"Awe Icy, I'm trying to be cute and romanticy," Hong Kong pouts.

"That isn't a word," Iceland deadpans.

Hong Kong sighs and grabs his hand.

"Woah, where are you taking me?" Iceland asks as he is dragged toward the window.

"Well I don't want you to be cooped up in here."

Iceland gives a little smile and follows. Once they climb down onto the grass Iceland pulls out his phone.

"Watcha doin?" Hong Kong asks looking over his shoulder.

"Texting Lukas, he'll think I'm kidnapped if I don't say anything."

"But won't he try to come find us?"

"Nah, he won't get to that point for four more days."

"And how long until Denmark gets back?"

"A week."

"Ah babe, I'm sorry," Hong Kong wraps his arms around him.

"Shut up," Iceland says bitterly, but a blush forms on his cheeks.

He sends his message and Hong Kong then proceeds to drag him once again to whatever adventure he has planned.

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