[31]DenNor: Closet Persuation

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Iceland found Nordic meetings to be very boring. The five (technically six) countries didn't really have anything new going on so he was always bored throughout the entire thing. This time he resolved to change that though. He would finally get his OTP together and thereby relieve his boredom, two birds with one stone.

Although he would never admit this out loud, he truly cares for his older brother. Seeing Norway and Denmark just dance around each other, not acknowledging the other's feelings or their own for that matter, was distressing for the young country. On the flight to the meeting which was to be at Finland's this year, Iceland concocted a plan. And he would get the other's to help.

Iceland: Can you and Sweden help me with something?

Finland: Sure, what do you need?

Iceland: I'll explain it when I arrive but we need to help Norway and Denmark, they're not going to be able to do this on their own

Finland: I know what you mean, see you soon!

Iceland: See ya

The young country leaned back in his seat. The anticipation was starting to build. He decided just to relax while he was still waiting, he texted Hong Kong and watched a movie.

When he finally arrived at Finland's house he luckily got there first. Not to mention a little bit early he looked around the house and found Sealand on the tv and Finland and Sweden were cuddling on their bed. He smiled and closed the door, he watched tv with Sealand until the adults woke up and the other two arrived.

"Iceland, call me big brother," Norway said as a greeting to him.

"Go away," Iceland said.

"Hey Icy!" Denmark came up behind Norway.

Iceland rolled his eyes and Norway elbowed Denmark in the gut. The Dane clutched his stomach and pouted.

"Awe Norge, why are you so mean?"

Norway ignored him and sat down. The rest of the Nordics sat down and the meeting began. Finland directed it and demanded attention be given so Iceland couldn't zone out. Once the official meeting ended Iceland jumped out of his seat and got in position to execute his plan.

He laid in waiting until Sweden convinced Matthias to come his way and Finland tricked Norway to do the same. They other two left them in front of an open door.

"What are you doing here, Dane?" Norway crossed his arms.

"I dunno honestly, Sve said he was having problems with his chairs," Matthias said rubbing the back of his head. "I should have known better he would never ask me for help."

"Idiot Dane," Norway said under his breath. "Then why are we here?"

Denmark shrugged and Iceland took that as his cue. He shoved the two into the open door closet. He quickly locked the door before they could do anything.

"Hey!" Denmark yelled.

"What the heck!" Norway called out angrily.

"Sorry guys but this was the only way, I'll open this door when you guys sort out your feelings for each other and not a moment sooner."

Iceland left the two alone. The two men shuffled uncomfortably to try to sit properly. Norway couldn't help but make some contact with Norway, their knees touched and Norway was happy their was little light so Denmark couldn't see him blush.

"Do you think there is a light switch in here?" Denmark asked.

"I doubt it, it is a closet," Norway responded.

An awkward silence ensues, both countries try to figure out how they might evade the elephant in the room.

"Sorry about this," Norway said. "I don't know what is going through his head."

Denmark laughs a little. "Yeah."

They sat there in silence once again. Then they both tried to speak at the same time.

"You go first," Denmark said giggling.

"No you," Norway insisted.

"Okay," Denmark took a deep breath. "I don't know why Ice put us in here but I guess this is as good a time as any."

He paused and Norway waited in anxious anticipation.

"Look, I don't want to make things awkward between us. Honestly I've been wanting to say something for awhile now but I'm a coward. Which is part of it I guess, you guys mean so much to me all of you, you make me feel like I belong somewhere... I guess my point is, you in particular Norge, are so freaking important to me. I may smile a lot but it doesn't always mean I'm happy, their are few people and times where I'm genuinely happy. You are one of them, whenever I'm with you, I'm happy."

Norway stared at the dark outline of Denmark in shock. He didn't smile very much for the same reason but the Dane for some reason also made him childishly happy but also that maybe that was okay. In that moment Norway fully realized how he really felt about the Dane. It made him nervous but he trusted Denmark, which was saying something.

"Uh, um," he started and Denmark listened intently. "I might, maybe, also feel the same way."

Denmark smiled broadly and shuffled them both in order to embrace Norway. He was happier than words could express.

"Can I kiss you?" Denmark said as their faces were only a few inches away.

Norway's blush deepened, he wasn't sure he was prepared for this. But this was happening so he let it happen.

"Yes," he said quietly.

Denmark smiled happily and put his lips to Norway's. During the kiss Norway lost his balance he slid to the floor. They didn't break the kiss and they continued to kiss quite passionately. Iceland, who had come back after walking away and had been sitting outside the door the entire time, finally unlocked and opened the door.

He smirked at them. "You're welcome," and then left them alone.

Norway watched his brother leave and rolled his eyes. Denmark smiled down at him.

"So... would you like to go out for dinner? I'm sure Fin wouldn't mind."

This time Denmark was able to see Norway blush and the Dane helped the latter up. Denmark kissed the other's blushing cheek and they left to dinner.

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