[58]RusPru: Stalking is a Relative Term

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A/N: Why do I like this ship? That is the unanswerable question.


"Brother it's time to wake up!" Germany knocks loudly on Prussia's door.

Prussia groans and rolls over. "Fine," he responds to indicate that he is awake.

He hears Germany walk back up the stairs. He rubs his eyes and rolls over a little too far and hits the floor with a thud. After about fifteen minutes of debating his life choices Prussia finally gets up and puts on his uniform. Within the next half hour him and Germany are on their way to Switzerland for a World meeting.

"Why do I even have to go anymore," Prussia complains.

"Because you are a country and it is your responsibility," Germany says. "And why are you complaining, you get to see your friends and you've never complained before."

Prussia doesn't respond, he just stares out the window. He honestly doesn't want to go because there is someone there he doesn't want to see. They reach Switzerland later that day and make it just in time for the evening conference. The meeting is as dull as usual for Prussia and once it ends he gets out of the room as fast as possible.

His efforts end up futile, as he is running through the hallway a strong grip pulls him into a spare room. The door is shut and the perpetrator is standing between him and the door.

"What do you want Russia?" Prussia asks with false bravery.

"I was just wondering if you thought about my offer?" The Russian asks with a slightly off putting smile.

"What offer?" Prussia asks bitterly. "All I've been thinking about is avoiding your persistent stalking."

"Why do you think I stalk you?" Russia asks taking a step closer.

Prussia fails to find an answer. "Well who wouldn't want to stalk the awesome me," he says nervously.

Russia laughs a little and sends chills down Prussia's spine. He moves closer to Prussia who tries to moves back more but is blocked by a table.

"I only wish to pursue a relationship with you, it would not be the first time so why are you so scared?"

Prussia can feel his face heat up. They had had a relationship when Russia occupied East Germany. It was a stressful time for both of them and their relationship wasn't as much romantic as it was helping them both cope. It wasn't that Prussia hated him or that the creepiness was that much of an issue, Prussia just doesn't know what he wants.

"Prussia?" Russia tilts his head as Prussia hasn't spoken for a few minutes.

"I... uh, I'm not sure," he struggles to find words.

Russia chuckles. "Who knew that I could make the great, awesome Prussia speechless."

"I'm not speechless!" Prussia denies in embarrassment. "I just choose my words carefully."

"Sure," Russia smiles and moves swiftly towards Prussia putting his hand on Prussia's back pulling him close and putting their lips together.


Germany wakes up the next morning very concerned. He assumed that Prussia went drinking with Francis and Spain but he usual calls to be picked up. Germany was grateful for the full nights rest but he was still concerned. He goes to France's hotel room because it is closest and a hungover Frenchman opens the door.

"What do you need?" France asks in a painfully drowsy voice.

"Where is my brother?"

"Don't know, he left before we could catch him and I was stuck with a giddy Spaniard and a very drunk Italian."

"I don't need to know," Germany sighs. "Do you know why he left in such a hurry?"

"I have no idea, do you need anything else your glorious German sparkliness is too bright," the Frenchman whines.

"Fine, fine," the door closes and Germany is left with no more clue than before of Prussia's whereabouts.

Germany decides to ask anyone and everyone if they have seen him. He has little to know luck until he reaches Lithuania's room. Poland opens the door and is surprised to see the German.

"What do you want?" He asks skeptically.

"Poland, be nice," Lithuania says coming up behind him. "Is everything alright Mr. Germany?"

"Yes, I'm just looking for my brother."

"Oh we saw him go into Mr. Russia's room I think, right?" He looks at Poland.

Poland just shrugs in agreement. Germany nods and thanks them and makes his way to Russia's room. He is vaguely aware of their history but he can't help but wonder if this was the reason that Prussia was so uneasy and it makes him worried. When he reaches Russia's door he knocks with no response.

"Russia I need to speak with you," he says loudly.

With no response and a few more knocking attempts Germany resolves in probably not the smartest, most legal idea. He kicks the door in and enters the room to see his brother in the same bed as Russia with the latter holding Prussia close to him.

"Brother!" Germany yells in shock.

Both men stir and Prussia opens his eyes to see his surprised brother.

"It's not what it looks like..." Prussia starts.

Germany puts his hand up to stop him. "I don't want to know, just tell me where you are next time."

Germany leaves and Prussia sighs. He turns over to see Russia who is almost fully awake.

"What did you mean by that?" Russia questions.

"I meant nothing happened," Prussia says quickly.

Russia smiles and hugs him tightly. "I am just messing with you, you are so cute when you are flustered."

Prussia blushes even deeper and thinks back on the day before. He accepted Russia's offer to take him out to dinner. They had a surprisingly pleasant meal and went back to the hotel and watched television. Prussia had forgotten about the Russian man's affinity for cuddling and that is how they ended up in the situation that Germany was forced to witness that morning.

"Why me?" Prussia asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't have any land that you might want. I'm told that I am very annoying and we are probably going to argue since we're very prideful people."

Russia smiles. "I'm not using you and I don't expect you to change."

Russia puts his hand up to lightly touch Prussia's cheek. Prussia's face goes red once more and he still not sure if he trusts Russia's answer.

"Your eyes are beautiful," Russia says staring into his crimson orbs.

Prussia flinches, no one has ever said that to him, most of the time they were just scared of them. Russia on the other hand thought they were unique and special, that he is unique and special. To have someone that thinks that of him, that is what Prussia needs.

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