[27]DenOnia: Try it Out

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A/N: This is a request from the lovely elloeva. It is a Denmark x Estonia, which I have never heard of but why not I guess. I'm not sure if there is an official ship name and I thought DenOnia sounded good and cute. So I hope I did well on this, I still ship DenNor like crazy even though it is kinda put down in this story. Also I made a lot of assumptions about Estonia's character since I couldn't find a whole lot on him.


Denmark is tired, for the first time in his life he has tried to pursue something but it hadn't worked out. His attempts to get close to Norway haven't worked, at all. After being rejected so many times the Dane feels disheartened.

The Nordics are having their meeting at the moment. All the formalities are pretty much over now. Norway is pestering Iceland and Sweden and Finland are still sitting together, quite close as well which makes Denmark smile. Estonia is also there for some reason, he is still trying to convince the Nordics to let him into their group. Denmark never understood why, it's not like they are some exclusive special club or anything.

"Hey Denmark, what do you think about helping me out in joining the Nordics?" Estonia asks him.

"Seriously why is it so important to you?" Denmark asks a bit more rudely than he intended.

"I think if you stick with something you can eventually get there," Estonia says with an optimistic smile.

Denmark rolls his eyes and looks over at Norway. That latter sees him staring and glares at him. Denmark's dismay must have shown in his face because Estonia looks at him with worry.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks.

Denmark snaps out of his gaze and looks at his fellow country. "Yeah I'm good."

Estonia nods but is still worried. They stand there awkwardly for a few minutes until Denmark breaks the silence.

"Your good with computers right? My screen keeps showing errors when I use certain programs, do you think you could look at it?" He inquires.

Estonia's eyes light up. "Yes!"

"Okay," Denmark laughs at his excitement.


After the meeting Estonia goes home with Denmark and immediately gets to work on his computer. Denmark watches him work and despite having no idea what the other is doing, it fascinates him. Estonia pauses for a moment and looks up at him.

"I think I can fix your problem but it will take me awhile," he says.

"Oh okay, do you want something to eat?" Denmark offers.

"Sure," Estonia says and turns back to the computer.

Denmark leaves to his kitchen and prepares something he hopes Estonia will like. He brings Estonia a glass of water part of the way through and the other country has his eyes glued to the screen, working intently. Time passes and around the time Denmark finishes the food Estonia finishes his work on the computer. He joins Denmark and they eat together.

"Thanks for helping me out," Denmark says appreciatively.

"Your welcome and thanks for the food."

"Yeah consider it my thank you and I'll pay for your fair home if it makes up for my debt to you."

"Oh, well thanks, honestly I don't mind."

Denmark smiles genuinely. "I never leave a debt unpaid."

Estonia smiles back. "Alright then."

"You should probably stay the night though," Denmark looks at the clock. "It's kinda late."

"Okay," Estonia agrees.

They decide to play video games after they finish their meal and Denmark admits that Estonia is probably just as good as America and maybe even better than himself. After they finish Denmark puts on a movie but neither really pay attention to it and they have small conversations intermittently. Denmark finds that the Estonian is easy to talk to and he likes that.

"So do you think my getting into the Nordics is hopeless?" Estonia asks semi-jokingly.

Denmark shrugs. "I guess I just don't see the point. What's the point in pursuing something if it's pointless?"

"Are you talking about you and Norway?" Estonia inquires.

This causes Denmark to jump. "How did you- I mean, what do mean by that?"

"It's kind of obvious, you stare at him longingly and are constantly trying to get his attention, to name a few."

Denmark is embarrassed by this. "Oh."

"It's been going on for awhile hasn't it?"

"Yeah, I've been in love with him for the longest time but I've been coming to terms with the fact we're never going to happen," Denmark feels weird admitting that but Estonia just nods sympathetically.

"You shouldn't give up though, if you really love him."

Denmark sighs. "I know but I don't want to force him and after awhile it's just so tiring. I used to think that way but I think there is a point to stop, for their sake and your own sanity."

"That makes sense," Estonia agrees.

A silence fills the room as both men think about the other's comments.

"You know, I'm sorry for being so rude. I know this is important to you," Denmark apologizes.

"It's fine," Estonia answers awkwardly.
There is a silence once more.

"Denmark," Estonia says suddenly.


"What if you were to try a relationship with another person, maybe that would help you see if you can fall in love with someone else?" Estonia suggests.

"I never thought of that way, but who would want to date a loud and obnoxious country like me?"

"I wouldn't mind," Estonia says trying to keep a straight face.

Denmark finally gets what he is trying to say. "Well, I guess, maybe if that person kissed me."

Estonia blushes and moves closer to Denmark. The latter finds his reality blur as the other country leans in and kisses him. He snaps back to reality soon enough to kiss back. When they break they both grin awkwardly at each other.

"I have to admit I did not expect this," Denmark says. "But I'm kinda happy it happened."

"Me, too,"'Estonia pauses. "But if we do this promise me your not doing it just to make Norway jealous."

"I promise," Denmark says immediately and this time he kisses the other.

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