[59]DenNor: The Silent Treatment

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Norway is the best at giving the Silent Treatment. He had gone days without talking to his Nordic family even if no one has particularly done anything. Denmark has tried to go without talking but has only made it two hours at most. It annoys Denmark to no end that he can't get back at Norway.

After a particularly loud and aggressive argument Denmark and Norway get to the point where one of them is going to walk out.

"Well if you hate me annoying you so much then I won't talk to you!" Denmark says angrily.

Norway scoffs at him. "Yeah right, as if a child like you could actually pull that off."

"You'll see," Denmark says and turns and stomps off.

Norway just rolls his eyes and turns to leave in the opposite direction. Thus begins Denmark's slightly childish effort to get his way.

Norway decides not to bother him for the first hour. When Denmark successfully reaches the hour mark Norway pretends not to be slightly impressed. They go on with their day as they normally would and when Denmark reaches two hours he sneaks into the other room to see how Norway is and just sees the stern blonde reading on the chair. This disheartens him but little does he know Norway had just checked the time a few seconds prior and a slight look of worry formed on the cold man's face.

Finland calls everyone for dinner and the rest of the Nordics are automatically disturbed by the fact that Denmark and Norway aren't sitting together. Instead of the usual conversation or at least poking between the two they talk to everyone but each other. After dinner Finland catches Norway in the hall.

"Hey, is everything alright with you and Denmark?" The motherly Fin asks.

"Yes, he just decided to give me the Silent Treatment," Norway responds.

"How long has it been?"

"Almost four hours now."

Tino raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Wow, impressive for him."

Norway just nods, his expression unchanging. The evening proceeds as usual and Denmark keeps his word. Norway and Denmark had started sleeping in Denmark's room a few weeks after they started dating. Norway isn't sure if he should sleep with Denmark tonight but he knows he won't sleep well without the stupid Dane there.

He knocks timidly on Denmark's already partially open door. Denmark looks up from his phone and smiles but of course doesn't say anything. Norway walk in and sits down on the bed next to Denmark.

"How long do you plan to keep this up?" Norway asks.

Denmark just shrugs and gets under the blankets. Norway sighs and also pulls the covers over himself and turns off the lamp.

*Time skip brought to you by a lack of creativity*

Norway wakes up before Denmark per usual. He sits up and looks down at the sleeping face of his boyfriend. He always liked seeing the Dane so quiet and peaceful but now it kind of concerns him. Irrational thoughts filled his head of what would happened if Denmark never talked him again.

He immediately brushes the thought away and absentmindedly plays with Denmark's fluffy hair. He doesn't like fighting with Denmark but Norway can't seem to understand his emotions, especially when it comes to romantic feelings. He sighs to himself and kisses Denmark's forehead.

Just as he does that he sees the corner of Denmark's mouth twitch.

"You're awake aren't you," Norway says with a cold stare.

The Dane's eyes flutter open and he just grins happily at his lover. Norway finds himself even more frustrated as Denmark seems to want to continue his charade.

"Look, I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten upset over such a small thing. Next time we can work it out like mature people, okay?" Norway say accepting defeat.

Denmark smirks in triumph but still doesn't speak which frustrates Norway even more.

"There you go you won, you can talk to me now."

Denmark continues to smile playful and point to his lips indicating his terms of winning.

Norway sighs reluctantly. "You child."

Norway then leans down and captures Denmark's lips. Denmark kisses back immediately and sits up in order to be able to kiss his lover more passionately. When they break for air Denmark looks lovingly down at Norway.

"I love you Norge."

Heat spreads across the Norwegian's face.

"I love you too, you big idiot."

Later that morning Denmark brags to Sweden about his triumph.

"I went so long without talking! There were moments when I almost couldn't go on but I did it. You should have seen Norge's face some of the time, I've never seen him so frustrated!"

Sweden just listens silently sipping a cup of coffee. After Denmark finishes his rant he just responds simply.

"Congratulations," he says with a hint of amusement.

Denmark takes offense. "Hey! Not all of us can be the stoic type."

Sweden just shrugs and Denmark decides to ignore him and continue to revel in his victory and plan a romantic date for him and Norway to make up for the fight.

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