[56]USUK: July 4th

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A/N: I don't know how things are run in Washington DC, I based this off my own Fourth of July experience. I'm also editing this while waiting for a parade to start. So I hope you enjoy, happy fourth!


A week before the more awkward day of the personification of England's life he gets a call.

*Yo Iggy, what's up?!*

Arthur moves the phone away from his ear as the loud American yells his greeting.

"I'm fine America, why are you calling?" England inquires.

*Dude, you know how my birthday is next week?!*

Well aware of it England responds. "Yes."

*You should come to my place. I'm having a party the day after but I want someone to hang out with on the day of!*

"Why me?"

*Do I need a reason?*

"Do you need to evade the question?"

America laughs nervously. *Are you coming or not?*

England sighs. "I guess."


America hangs up and England immediately regrets the commitment he just made.


England arrives in America a few days later. He is greeted as soon as he steps out of the gate by a giant hug.

"America you're suffocating me," England says trying to breath.

"Oops, sorry man," America says letting him go.

England straightens his clothes back out and America grabs his luggage.

"I can carry that myself," England says.

"You always told me to be a gentleman," America smiles and starts walking towards the escalator.

England shakes his head and follows the younger country. The drive to America's house isn't too far from the airport and America tells England all his birthday plans on the way. It is later in the evening so the two just have dinner and talk for awhile and go to bed.

*Time Skip to next morning brought to you by breakfast food*

England wakes up early in order to make the birthday boy breakfast. He knows better at this point than to make him himself so he goes to McDonalds and order double and triple of everything from the breakfast menu. When he gets back he goes into America's room.

"It's time to get up," he says.

All he gets is a grumble in response.

"We're going to be late if you don't get up," he says louder.

All America does is shift around in his blankets.

England sighs and then remembers seeing something in the guest room drawers. He goes and gets it and comes back to America's room.

"I warned you," England says and then presses the blow horn close to America's ear.

"Ack!" America jumps and falls off the bed.

"Sorry but you weren't waking up," England crosses his arms.

"It's cool, it's nicer than what Toni does," he looks up at the device in England's hand. "Oh, I've been looking for that."

"Why do you even have it?"

America shrugs. "I get into my sporting events."

England rolls his eyes and leaves so the American can change. When America comes downstairs his eyes immediately brighten at the food. They both eat quickly and are soon on their way to a Fourth of July parade. America gets excited at almost every float, band and attraction. England honestly found it amusing and indicative of the American populous of loudly proclaiming patriotism.

After the parade ends they go to the nearby carnival. America insisted that they play the various games and go on the rides. They drank smoothies and ate elephant ears (a very sugary delicious treat, look it up if you want to know more). The high sugar content food was a bit much for England but it was fine and he was having fun.

After they leave the carnival they head out of DC to a small town and attend a rodeo. Afterwards America somehow challenged won of the performers while England wasn't looking. England wasn't worried though, he is well aware of America's skills on a horse and he has the advantage of centuries of practice. America starts off by making simple mistakes but then completely crushes the guy.

"Was that necessary?" England asks as America gets off the horse.

"He was being super cocky, he'll never improve if he doesn't know that he still had more to learn," America says still feeling giddy from his win.

England shakes his head, thinking about how America can be both self-confident but considerate in his own way. They go to a local restaurant for dinner and America tries to pay but England stops him.

"It is your birthday, you're not paying for anything."

"But you've payed for everything to day," America whines. "Except for those five hamburgers earlier."

England sighs. "I still don't how you can do that."

They finished off the day by going back to America's house and watching fireworks on his roof. As they watch America puts his hand on England's.

"Thanks for being here today," he says genuinely. "I know it must have been awkward for you."

"I thought it would be but I honestly had fun," England says blushing at the contact.

They go back inside once the fireworks are done. They stand in the living room awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"Hey America?"

"Yeah Iggy?"

"Happy birthday."

America smiles brightly. "Thanks! You're coming to my party tomorrow right?"

"Of course."

England turns to leave but is stopped.

"Wait! What about my birthday present?" America asks with a childish grin.

England rolls his eyes. "I'll give it to you tomorrow."

"Awe but the anticipation will kill me," America whines.

England lets out a sigh and walks towards America confidently. The latter finds himself frozen in place unsure of what is to come. Then quickly, and without saying anything, England gives America a quick kiss on the lips.

Leaving the American there in shock, England turns and walks back towards the guest bedroom.

"Goodnight America," he calls smiling to himself.

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