[20]PruAus: Don't Leave Me!

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A/N: The inspiration for this part comes from BlackLionPants Cosplay's '50 Ways to Say Goodbye' CMV, go watch it it's the funniest things I've ever watched. Anyway, credit to them and their brilliance. I hope you enjoy and sorry if it's a little bit rushed.


Both men liked attention, both had their pride and liked getting recognition for the time he puts into things. One would think that once they were in a relationship that this would work out, they would understand each other's needs and mutually acknowledged the other's accomplishments and effort. The problem was that Prussia was a little naive, especially when it came to relationships, he meant well but he didn't always pick up on things. It didn't help that the Austrian wasn't the sharing type.

One morning Prussia was listening to loud music and messing around on his phone. Austria came in and made himself breakfast without the other even noticing. Once done Austria tried to tell Prussia something but the latter still did not notice. Austria finally got fed up and grabbed Prussia's headphones right off his head.

"Goodbye," he said exasperated.

With that the Austrian grabbed his coat and stormed out. Prussia was left there confused and scared.

-Prussia's POV-

Why did he leave? Why did he say goodbye? Is he fed up with me? Did he leave forever? I take a few minutes to calm myself down. When I finally do I texted Austria a few frantic texts (more like 50). When he doesn't respond I start to pace.

Why would he want to leave the awesome me? Things have been going so well, we argue sometimes but that's not unusual. Did he just finally get sick of me?

The thing is I really don't want him to leave. He may be stuck up at times but he is really a sweetheart. Austria likes to cuddle and he is a sucker for a well put together date. He claims to be the man in the relationship but we all know who really wears the pants.

Still I'm worried, maybe I should call Germany. No! Asking my younger brother for help would not be awesome. What should I do?

-Austria's POV-

I tried to tell him I was going to meet up with Hungary for tea but no, he didn't listen to me. If that man wasn't so fed up with himself maybe he would actually be a good person. I'm not saying he is bad per say but he does have a lot of things to improve on.
I check my phone when I reach the café and there are a lot of messages from him (a lot being an understatement). I'm not going to give him the luxury of a response. Then I see Hungary come through the the door.

"Hello Austria!" She says with a smile.

"Hello Hungary, how are you today?" I say as she sits down.

"Oh okay, and you?"

"I am fine."

We talk for a few minutes and order our drinks and pastries. When the waitress returns Hungary asks me a question with a very curious look on ur face.

"So how are you and Prussia doing?" She asks with a twinkle in her eye.

I sigh. "Sometimes he is a total gentleman and other times it's like he doesn't care at all."

"Do you think you're just expecting too much?" Hungary asked.

"I honestly didn't expect anything going in but he has shown that he is capable of being kind and considerate but there are things he does that make me think that he doesn't take this relationship seriously."

I sigh once more and take a sip of my tea.

"Well maybe it's not entirely his fault," Hungary suggests.

"What do you mean?"

"When it comes to relationships Prussia is all in and there is no doubt that he is absolutely devoted to you. But you have to remember that he is still Prussia, he is a little fed up with himself but even with that he tries really hard to do his best. The problem is that he doesn't always pick up on things, you can't subtly hint that something is wrong, you may just have to tell him outright. That might be a little embarrassing but he will never make fun of you or look down on you, I promise you that."

She has a point, I do tend to close myself off and not talk about my feelings. I suppose being open and honest is important in a relationship.

"I suppose you're right," I say to her.

She shakes head. "You boys will be the death of me."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

She laughs and then a sound goes off. Hungary takes her phone out of her purse and answers it.

"Hey Prussia, what's up?"

-Prussia's POV-

I decided to call Hungary, she always knows what Austria is thinking.

"Hey Prussia, what's up?" She answers.

"Do you know where Austria is? I think I made him mad, do you think he would leave me forever without saying why-" she cuts me off.

"Prussia, I'm sure Austria is not going to leave you and you probably just irritated him."

"Okay but do you know where he is?"

She doesn't answer for a second. "He is with me but don't freak out."

"Where are you?! I need to-"

"Prussia! Listen to me, he is going to come back. He isn't mad at you anymore and you just need to be patient."

I take a deep breath and let it out. "Okay."

"Talk to you later."

"Yeah," she hangs up.

I guess I'll I can do is wait.

-Austria's POV-

"Is he alright?" I ask when Hungary hangs up.

"Yeah," she says smiling.

"Oh well, not like I care," I say taking a sip of my tea.

"I thought we were past you pretending you're not utterly infatuated with him," Hungary says grinning.

"Oh be quiet," I find myself smiling back.

-Back to Third Person-

Austria said his goodbyes to Hungary soon after and headed home. He braced himself for what he might find there and hesitantly opened the door.

"Prussia I'm home," he called as he entered the house.

Just then he is tackled to the ground by the white haired man. A distraught looking Prussia held him tightly. Austria started to protest but eventually gave up and patted his boyfriend's back in reassurance.

"Thank you," Prussia whispered.

"For what?"

"Not leaving me," the Prussian said on the verge of tears.

Austria sighed and kissed his forehead. "You idiot, I would never leave you."

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