[9]SpaMano (Human AU): The Fanboy

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by AceOfNerds! I had a lot of fun writing it and kinda got carried away. I hope you all like it and AceOfNerds, thank you and I hope this lives up to your expectations!^_^

(Oh, and I've never been to a concert so sorry if it's a bit inaccurate)


Lovino had gotten tickets to his favorite musicians concert for his birthday from his grandfather. The young Italian was a secret hard core fan of Antonio Carriedo and only his family knew the full extent of his obsession. His room was filled with posters and other merchandise and was just a couple candles short of a shrine. He would argue that he just loves the music genre and a concert experience would be amazing but in all honesty his little fanboy heart was more excited than it could handle.

The only problem was that his grandfather had also bought tickets for his twin brother and his brothers boyfriend.

"Lovi it's almost time to go, are you ready?!" Feliciano called to him.

"I'm coming," Lovino grumbled.

Lovino had on black jeans, his favorite Antonio Carriedo t-shirt and a leather jacket. He put on a beanie and attempted to tuck his unruly curl into the hat but as always is unsuccessful. He heads downstairs to see his brother and a large German boy named Ludwig making out on the couch.

He cleared his throat loudly and they pulled away, both blushing. He just sighed and walked past them. Feliciano started rambling about the concert to him and Lovino just ignored his overenthusiastic brother. They set out to the concert venue and got there as early as possible but the line is still incredibly long. Lovino took deep breath and thought of calming things in order to stay patient and not punch all the people who are in close proximity to him. This concert would be worth the wait, he kept telling himself.

"I'm so excited!" Feli said for the millionth time, squeezing Ludwig's hand tightly.

Ludwig merely nodded in response.

"But not as excited as you Lovi, since you totally have a celebrity crush on him," the other Italian said winking at Lovino.

"I don't know who you're talking about, shut up," was Lovino's only response as he scrolled through Tumblr.

When they were finally seated the concert started soon after. They had an opening band start, Lovino didn't know much about them but they were okay. The main act was coming up and he gripped his seat and leaned forward, the announcer called out HIS name and Lovino found his cheer lost in the sea of others as Antonio came out with the rest of his crew.

Lovino's heart skipped a beat when the artist flashed a smile his direction. When the boy began to sing Lovino was mesmerized by the beautiful voice of the gorgeous singer. This man was by no means unattractive, the sexy Spaniard had the ever stoic Italian captivated by his talent.

After the few (too few in Lovino's opinion) songs, Antonio left the stage with the entire crowd protesting his departure. The final act came on who were a German band, which was part of the reason Ludwig came. Lovino decided to go to the restroom to get a break from all the noise. While washing his hands someone came up to the sink next to him, he goes to get a paper towel and at the same time the other person and they accidentally touch hands.

"Oh, sorry," said a familiar voice.

Lovino looked up and his eyes widened, it was Antonio freaking Fernández Carriedo! Lovino stumbled backwards and caught himself on the sink.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry did I startle you?" Antonio asked concerned.

He touched Lovi's arm again and brought him up to make sure he was steady. His touch sent a shock through Lovi as he just stared at the other boy, not being able to think a coherent thought much less speak one.

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