[44]GerIta (Human AU): Love Conquers All

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Ludwig walks back from his job at the recruitment office. He had injured himself in battle four months ago and they had given him a temporary job. It made him a bit anxious but he liked being able to spend time with Feliciano. He very much enjoyed that.

They had been together for almost two years. Ludwig did his best to choose tours that would still give him off time with Feli as often as possible. But the injury, along with how long Ludwig had been gone the last time, made him feel like they had lost some of the fire in their relationship. Feliciano was still happy as always but Ludwig was nonetheless worried.

He made it to a small diner a couple blocks away from their apartment. Feliciano was already there and waved to him from a table. Ludwig sat down across from him and smiled back at the overenthusiastic Italian.

"How was work today?" Ludwig asked.

"Oh, it was amazing. Toris finally got over his fear of talking to people on the phone. Heracles only fell asleep once, I think Lukas..."

Feliciano continued on about his day and Ludwig enjoyed listening as always. He always admired how involved Feliciano is in the lives of his coworkers. Ludwig wasn't much of a people person and it was only because of Feliciano's loving and inviting personality that Ludwig managed to work up the nerve to ask him out.

"How was your day?" Feliciano asked him.

"Fine, boring," Ludwig responded truthfully.

"Awe I'm sorry, I'm sure it will get better," Feliciano said optimistically.

Ludwig simply nodded and then the waitress finally arrived. They ordered their food and Ludwig watched their interaction and could feel himself getting anxious. It was obvious that the waitress was flirting with Feli, Ludwig knew his boyfriend well enough to know he wasn't aware but the German man was still worried. The waitress left and Feliciano immediately recognized his lover's discomfort.

"Is something wrong Ludwig?" He asked innocently.

"Oh uh, no I'm fine," Ludwig feigned but not well.

"Luddy, tell me what's wrong," Feliciano said and he squeezed his hand from across the table.

Ludwig sighed. "I am just worried that's all but it's no big deal."

"About what?" Feliciano urged him to tell him.

"I just am feeling insecure, about us, I am gone for so long and leave you behind. I just expect you to pick up where we left off and that's not fair to you. But at the same time I don't want us to break up, just seeing that waitress flirt with you just makes me afraid that someone will steal you away from me."

Ludwig let out a deep breath, he didn't normally say his feelings all at once. Feliciano just had this effect on him and he felt his love had the right to know. He looked down at his lap in embarrassment. Then he heard Feliciano giggling he looked up in confusion at the amused Italian.

"What?" Ludwig asked semi-defensively.

"You're just so silly," Feliciano smiled.

"Feli, I'm being serious," he said more confused than before.

"I know, I know," Feliciano took both of Ludwig's hands in his. "I'm not going to leave you, ever. It's as simple as that, no matter how long or how far away you are I love you Luddy."

There were so many things Feliciano could have said but that was all that was needed. The younger Italian leaned over and kissed Ludwig on the cheek, leaving the stern German a blushing mess. Just then the waitress came with their food and the two ate and talked happily. On the way home Feliciano worried over Ludwig being able to walk so far but his partner kept assuring him that he was fine.

That night they found themselves in bed with Ludwig's arms wrapped around the smaller man. They talked quietly and there was nothing but love for the other. Ludwig's mind was set at ease and he falls asleep with his love in his arms.

-Time Skip brought to you by 'What is a German Sparkle Party?'-

Ludwig and Feliciano were in the same diner about two weeks later. Circumstances were very much similar but Ludwig was nervous for a very different reason. Feliciano of course, picked up on his discomfort once again and inquired about it. Ludwig just smiled back and the love of his life and stood up, walked around the table and knelt in front of the Italian.

He then pulled out a small black box and the rest is history.


A/N: I can't express how much I like this one. As soon as I thought up the idea I immediately began writing and almost finished it in one sitting. Anyway I just think it is absolutely adorable and I hope you all enjoyed it.

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