[45]SpaMano (Pirate AU): Aye sir!

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A/N: I'm very happy with how this turned out^_^ I hope you like it!


Lovino doesn't know why he let himself get roped into this. He is currently being held upside down by a giant, smiling Russian man. He thinks back on the night that had  happened about three weeks ago.

*flash back brought to you by tomatoes*

The young Italian was sitting in a pub, minding his own business and trying to forget his problems when he was suddenly confronted. This Spanish man immediately started to hit on him and naturally Lovino resisted. Antonio was unaffected by his attempts and continued to drunkenly flirt with Lovino. He eventually got rid of the nuisance by shoving the older man off the dock.

Little did he know that Antonio was actually a captain with an extremely loyal crew. They felt that Lovino needed to pay back so he was kidnapped and forced onto the pirate ship. He acted as basically an errand boy but couldn't say he was absolutely miserable. After he got used to all the strange people, the loud Prussian, the annoying Dane, the stoic Swede, the nice Finnish man, the list went on and on. He found that he didn't hate it that much, although he would never admit it.

*end of flash back*

So now Ivan has decided that his relentless cussing was too much even by pirate standards and has him by the ankles and hanging over the side of the ship.

"Let me up!" Lovino screams.

The Russian man just giggles and Gilbert looks down at him sympathetically.

"Sorry man, Ivan has an interesting sense of humor," the Albino Prussian says.

Lovino growls in response and continues to save his arms desperately.

"Alright, I think he's had enough," a voice says and Lovino sees the captain put his hand on Ivan's shoulder.

The Russian man finally pulls Lovino up and drops him on the deck. The Italian lands with a thud and does everything in his power not to let out a string of curses. Captain Carriedo kneels down to Lovino's level and smiles at him.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Antonio asks in a tone that makes Lovino want to punch him in the face.

"Yes," Lovino says quietly.

"What was that?" Antonio questions.

"Yes!" He says frustrated and gets up quickly.

The captain gets up as well and grabs Lovino by the arm.

"Sorry Lovi, but I can't tolerate insubordination," he says and drags Lovino towards his quarters.

Other crew members give Lovino looks of pity as he is just confused as to what was going on. When they reach the captain's room, Antonio closes the door.

"What the heck is going on?" Lovino demands, his back against the wall.
Antonio stares him down and puts his arm up against the wall.

"Talking back to the captain is not polite," Antonio smirks, his face is very close to Lovino's face.

"I'm sorry sir," Lovino says nervously.

"Sorry but I must punish you," Antonio says.

The captain then puts his lips on Lovino's. The Italian's eyes widen as the older man moves his lips against his. They then hear loud knocking on the captain's door and Antonio breaks away.

"What?" Antonio asks, slightly irritated.

"It's the Brit, we spotted his ship off the starboard side," one of the crew reports.

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