[42]FACE Family (Human AU): Peacemaker

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"You have been on there for three hours! That is unhealthy and unacceptable!" Arthur scolds his son who is on the computer.

"Oh c'mon, I'm not done and I'm seventeen, you can't tell me what to do," Alfred says not looking at him, which makes Arthur even more angry.

"Oh yeah, go to your room," Arthur orders.

Alfred finally looks at him. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Arthur says glaring.

"Fine!" Alfred rips his headphones from the computer and stomps angrily to his room.

Francis then tries to calm down his husband but just ends up with them both in a disagreement. An argument ensues and ends with both parents walking away from each other in anger. Matthew watched the entire thing from the corner in silence. Normally on a weekend like this he would go to Gil's house until everything blew over. But recently he has figured out a way to calm everyone down and end the weekend on a lighter note.

Francis is on the back porch, he had quit smoking before they adopted the boys but at times like these he really hopes he has it in him to stick with it. Matthew walks up behind him and startles Francis breaking him out of his thoughts.

The Frenchman places his hand on his heart. "My dear Matthew, don't scare me like that."

"Sorry Papa," Matthew apologizes. "Are you doing okay."

Francis sighs and smiles at him. "Yes, sorry about that. Your father has always had a temper."

Matthew nods. "But you love him right?"

"Yes, of course," Francis says shocked.
Matthew smiles at him. "Then everything will be fine."

They stand there in silence as Francis ponders what his eldest had just said to him. He is amused at how much his son teaches him.

"Can you make dinner tonight?" He asks Matthew.

"Sure Papa," Matthew says and leaves his father happier than when he came.

He then walks to his fathers room and knocks on the door. A tired and frustrated Arthur opens the door and is mildly surprised to see Matthew.

"Is everything okay?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to help me make dinner," Matthew says smiling kindly.

Arthur is shocked, no one had ever offered before, he suspected that there was something more to this but he wasn't going to pass up this opportunity.

"Sure," he says and they head to the kitchen.

As they make dinner, Matthew monitors his father to make sure he follows the recipes instructions. It is not that Arthur is a particularly bad cook he just not the best at keeping to the allotted steps.

"Dad, you should turn the stove down so it doesn't burn," Matthew recommends.

"Oh, yes, thank you."

Matthew finishes his potion of dinner and looks over to see Francis smiling in the doorway. Matthew smiles back and leaves the room as Francis wraps his arms around his husband's waist. Matthew goes to Alfred's room and knocks briefly on the door and let's himself in. Alfred has the lights turned off and appears to be on his phone under his blanket.


The mound shuffles and Alfred peeks his head out from under the duvet.

"'Sup Mattie," Alfred greets.

"Do you want to play soccer until dinner is ready?" Mattie asks smiling while holding up a ball.

Alfred looks at him a questioning look but then a grin forms on his face.

"Heck yeah!"

The two boys rush to the backyard and begin their highly competitive game courtesy of Alfred. Ten minutes later Francis calls them in for dinner and the family sits down to eat. Matthew watches as his family engages in lighthearted conversation, even Arthur is smiling.

"Hey do you guys want to join our game?" Alfred asks.

Francis smiles. "Of course, if your prepared to lose," he says smiling at Matthew.

"Yes I would like to play football," Arthur says smirking.

Alfred smiles a cocky smile back. "Well then whoever wins is right, deal?"

"Deal," they shake hands.

Everyone then goes outside and they play a friendly-ish game that ends in Francis making them go inside after it gets too dark. The winner is unclear as both sides claim victory. Matthew falls asleep that night with a smile on his face.

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