[55]SpaMano: Bailar Conmigo

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Romano likes to cook and bake, it's one of his favorite hobbies. When he does this he likes to play music while as he works. Sometimes he will him along or maybe even sing. One time in particular he had just put his concoction in the oven and one of his favorite songs starts to play.

He looks around to see if anyone is around. He leans over the counter and sees no one. Romano starts to sway to the music and turns the volume up a bit. He then proceeds to a full out dance in the kitchen utilizing the full extent of his dance skills. Being the son of the great Roman Empire his abilities are nothing to laugh at.

The song soon ends and Romano concludes his dance a little tired but satisfied. That is, until he turns around to see Spain smiling at him. Romano freezes and just stares for a second.

"How long...?" He starts.

"Most of it, you're so cute Roma," Spain walks towards him.

Romano clenches his fists. "Don't you dare."

Spain ignores him and hugs him. He breaks the hug and gives Romano a quick peck on the lips. The Italian's face turns even more red than it was before but he doesn't push the other away. Spain then reaches behind Romano and grabs his phone.

"What are you doing?" Romano inquires skeptically.

Spain just smiles and messes around with the phone and soon different music begins to play. He puts one hand in Romano's and puts the other on the Italian's waist. Responding Romano follows the Spaniard's lead and the two dance in the small, sunny kitchen.

The song ends with a spin and a dip and Spain kisses Romano. The latter kisses back briefly and Spain brings him back up. They lean their foreheads together, Spain smiles brightly and Romano even has a small smile.

"Oh Roma, you're so adorable," Spain says lovingly.

Romano blushes once more. "Shut up."

"But it's true, mi tomate," Spain moves stray hairs from Romano's face.

Romano gets frustrated and wraps his arms around Spain's neck and pulls him into a passionate kiss. This continues until a very rude timer interrupts them. Romano pushes Spain away from him and goes to find oven mitts. Spain is a bit disappointed at first but the prospect of cookies is almost as exciting.

He tries to take one of the cookies that Romano just pulled out but Romano hits his hand away. Spain pouts a bit but soon enough they are sitting on the back porch with cookies and milk. Once done with his treat Spain leans over and kisses Romano's cheek.

"Thank you for the cookie... and the dance."

Romano puts his drink to his mouth to hide a small smile. "You're welcome."

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