[64]RoChu: The Issue of an Overprotective Sister

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A/N: It occurred to me that I hadn't written a RoChu in awhile. I'm not sure about the quality of this one but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.


Russia pokes his head around the corner. Seeing that it is clear he steps out and walks as quietly as possible down the hallway of his home. He nearly reaches the door when he is stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Brother, where are you going?" Belarus asks in an innocent tone.

"Um, out," Russia responds nervously.

"But you promised you would help me with something," she pleads, eyes wide open.

Russia sighs. "Fine, I will help you for five minutes."

All she needed help with was writing an email to her boss, not that she needed help. On top of that she wanted Russia's opinion on every other word she typed. The entire time Russia kept his eye out for a chance to escape. Then like a gift from heaven Lithuania rushes into the room.

"Ms. Belarus! Estonia and I were retrieving that package you asked for and he tripped and dropped a box," the Lithuanian says nervously.

A familiar rage sparks in Belarus' eyes, she runs out of the room to take care of the problem. Lithuania smiles at Russia and the latter nods a thank you.

Russia finally escapes out the back door and gets into his car without his sister noticing, well at least that's what he thought. About five minutes into the car ride he notices that he is being followed. The person is obviously not experienced in following discretely and Belarus never tried to be inconspicuous in the first place.

Although she is highly experienced in the art of stalking. Russia has had years of training in modern espionage. Using these learned tactics Russia is able to lose her within five minutes and is on his way more peacefully to his location.
Upon arriving Russia knocks on the door of the house in question. A young Korean man opens the door.

"Yao! Your date is here!" South Korea calls into the house.

China soon walks over dressed quite smartly. He greets Russia and they leave to a restaurant close by. They order their meal and engage in a nice conversation. That is until China excuses himself to the restroom. Russia sits there in silence and then suddenly turns his head to the right.

"Sister, please come out from behind there," he says.

Belarus comes out from behind a fake plant and smiles at her brother with a pretend sheepishness.

"This needs to end," Russia says simply.

"But brother, I am just trying to protect you," she pleads.

Russia sighs. "I have explained this before, I view you as a sister and nothing more. I appreciate you looking out for me but it is time for this to end. I care very deeply about China and I would not take a threat to his life lightly."

Belarus understands what Russia is saying, she is very unhappy but despite what some may think she values Russia's happiness. She leaves reluctantly filled with hope that she is who Russia is truly to be that and he will someday realize that. Regardless of whether these sentiments will come to pass, peace was achieved for now. China comes back from the restroom and smiles at Russia.

"Did you hear that?" Russia asks smiling back.

"I did, will she be alright?"

"Yes, it may take a few more times of convincing but she will eventually accept it. I hope."

China nods and sips his drink. The food finally arrives and the two continue their date in a more relaxing atmosphere. Once he is done eating China puts his utensils down and looks up at Russia.

"So, you care about me?"

Russia smiles at him warmly. "I do very much."

China feels his face heat up and Russia laughs.

"Hey don't make fun of me!" China says frustrated.

Russia takes the others hands. "My apologies, you are just very adorable."

It seems as though Belarus' wishes will not be coming to pass anytime soon.

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