[26]HongIce (High School AU): Care and Kisses

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Emil had been asked out, he accepted and the date went surprisingly well. Now they are dating and Emil is more nervous than anything. He likes Leon, there is no question about that but he had only dated a few times up to this point and never had a serious relationship.

That and there was the matter of his brother.

Lukas will be a hard obstacle to overcome if and when he finds out. He is very overprotective and even though Lukas himself is in a relationship he has essentially forbidden Emil from having one or at least that's how Emil sees it.

"Hey Ice like, snap out of it."

Iceland blinks and reality comes back into focus. He sees Leon to his right poking him in the arm.

"Sorry I zoned out," he says and looks back to the homework they were working on.

"It's cool, is something wrong?" Leon asks with genuine concern.

"No, I was just thinking."

"'Bout what?"

"Nothing in particular."

Leon doesn't believe him and he moves his chair closer to Emil. "Come on you can like, tell me I'm your boyfriend after all."

Leon really likes calling Emil his boyfriend, despite his normally blunt nature it took him awhile to ask the Icelandic boy out. He understands the situation with his brother. His family found out really quickly and had a fun time teasing him as much as they congratulated him. Families are exhausting.

"Is it your brother?" He asks putting his hand on Emil's hand.

Emil's cheeks go slightly pink. "Yeah, sorry I'm making such a big deal of this."

"It's alright I understand," Leon assures him and kisses his cheek.

Iceland frowns, he feels a bit guilty maybe they should just get it over with. The thought made him very anxious though.

"Hey you know what?" Leon says.


"We haven't properly kissed yet like, on the lips," Leon says with a smirk.

Emil sighs and thinks, this dork. They stare into each other's eyes and move closer until...

"Emil?!" They hear Lukas call. "I'm home."

Emil groans loudly and they move away from each other just as Lukas walks into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Lukas says glaring at Leon, the Norwegian wasn't fond of the other boy and his sarcastic tendencies.

"It's nice to see you, too," Leon says, case and point.

"We are doing homework," Emil says.

Lukas looks between the both of them skeptically. "Okay."

He walks off and Emil sighs once more. He looks over at Leon who is putting his stuff in his bag.

"Are you leaving?" He asks.

"Only if you want me to."

"No stay, he is just going to be annoying," Emil says.

"Okay," Leon smiles.


Later that evening Emil and Leon ended up on Emil's bed, watching a show on Emil's laptop. During which Leon plays with Emil's hair, he would never admit this but Emil really liked it when his hair was played with, he found it incredibly relaxing. When the movie finishes Emil looks up at his boyfriend.

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