[48]PruCan: Domestic Disbute

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A/N: This one was stressful to write but I think I did alright despite that. Who knew I was actually capable of writing something with some essence of a plot.*shrugs*


Canada closes the door loudly and rushes to his room. Kuma watches him pass with tears in his eyes. The concerned polar bear goes to his owner's room. The Canadian is on his bed surrounded by blankets and pillows, sobbing. Kuma goes and sits in his lap and Canada hugs the bear tightly.

Canada had just come from a fight with his boyfriend, Prussia. This wasn't their first fight but the first one walked out on before they resolved it. He feels bad but the hurt he felt was too much to handle. He feels his phone buzz and he takes it out of his pocket. There are 26 calls from Prussia and 42 texts.

Prussia: I'm so sorry

Prussia: Please respond

Prussia: I love you Birdie

Prussia: Say something

Prussia: I know I hurt you

Prussia: I made a mistake

The list continues, Canada sighs and texts back after drying his eyes.

Canada: I need time

Once his phone registers that Prussia read the text Canada shuts off his phone and lays back on his pillow. Kuma snuggles up on his stomach and Canada closes his eyes and drifts off to a distressing sleep.


Canada wakes up to a loud thud and then a large American bursting through his door.

"Canada are you okay?!" America shouts.

"Yes, yes I'm fine," Canada says quickly. "Stop shouting."

America lets out a breath. "Okay good."

Canada sighs and shakes his head. "Why are you here and why are you freaking out?"

"You weren't answering your phone, it's been like, three hours."

Canada didn't realize he had been asleep for that long. He looks at his phone and sees a lot of calls from America, France and even a couple from England. He didn't realize that people cared so much. There are no new texts or calls from Prussia which makes him kind of sad.

"How did you know I was upset?" Canada asks.

"Your weird bear thing called me, said you were crying."

Canada looks over at the sleeping polar bear and smiles. Despite how distressed he feels the kindness that people have been giving him makes him feel a bit better.

"So what's up?" America asks sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Um, Prussia and I had a fight," Canada says gloomily.

America's face darkens. "What did he do?! I'll..."

"America stop, it's not something that can be resolved through violence."

America calms down a bit and lets Canada explain.

"Well you know that Prussia used to drink a lot and I mean, he still does sometimes. Anyway, I was busy and didn't go with him last time but he called me to pick him up. When I got there... he was making out with Austria and I know that people do stupid things when they're drunk but, I don't know. I yelled at him in the morning and we fought and I just couldn't take it anymore," Canada starts to cry once more.

"Hey, hey," America says and starts rubbing his back. "It's gonna be okay."

Canada sniffles and nods. "I know, I'll be fine."

"No, no you aren't," America says sternly.

"What?" Canada asks confused.

"We need to figure this out right now. If not, you'll just bottle it up inside and you guys will just keep having problems," America says.

Canada looks at him in shock. "Wow, that's really smart."

"I know right? Wait, what do you mean by that?"

Canada giggles. "So what are you thinking?"

"I think that you should should confront him again once you've calmed down. Be very clear with him and don't compromise, tell him he needs to stop or you guys are done."

Canada nods, who knew that the American could be so insightful. He is now just nervous and a bit scared to confront Prussia again.

"Or you could just dump him," America says.

Canada rolls his eyes. "America..."

"Hey I'm just saying I never liked the guy."

Canada smirks and crosses his arms. "But you also says you don't like England but we both know that's not true."

America's face turns red. "Shut up."

Canada laughs and America punches his shoulder playfully.

"Seriously though America, thank you."

America smiles. "No problem bro."


Canada takes a deep breath and rings Prussia's doorbell. He waits a moment until he hears footsteps approaching the door. Prussia opens the door and looks at him in surprise. He looks tired, Canada guesses that he hasn't slept even though he was out late and spent most of the morning throwing up.

"Canada..." Prussia musters out.

Canada smiles awkwardly. "Go ahead."

With that cue Prussia embraces him and holds him tightly. Canada can feel him shaking and he pats Prussia's back to calm him. They walk inside and Canada sits down on the armchair and Prussia on the couch. They face each other, neither speaking for a few seconds.

"So, um, sorry I thought about everything I was going to say but my mind is going blank," Canada says embarrassed.

"It's okay," Prussia says patiently. "Take your time."

Canada nods and thinks for a couple more seconds. Before he can bring himself to speak Prussia speaks up.

"Look Birdie, I should be the one to speak. I should be saying sorry, I know I'm in the wrong," he puts his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry."

Canada can feel tears coming to his eyes again. "I know you are but... something needs to change."

Prussia looks up at him. "I know, I'll change, I'll never drink again I promise."

Canada laughs a bit. "No, I just need you to promise to drink more responsibly and I'm sorry, it seems unfair. I just need to know that your always going to want me and that sounds selfish..."

Prussia cuts him off. "No, that makes perfect sense. Birdie, I'll do anything for you, give up anything. You're worth it, I don't want Austria I want you!"

Tears start forming in both of their eyes and Canada goes over to embrace his lover. They hold each other tightly for longer this time. Prussia wants to kiss him but doesn't want to overstep his bounds, he wants to be careful Canada is too precious for him to lose. Canada reads his mind and he sets his lips on Prussia's. When they break Prussia looks into his lover's eyes lovingly.

"I love you so much," he says putting his forehead on Canada's.

"I love you too," Canada responds, with his heart filled with a newfound hope.

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