[13]PruCan: Morning Pancakes

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Prussia woke up to unfamiliar surroundings, once his eyes were able to fully register he sat up quickly. Looking around he vaguely recognized the room but he couldn't quite place it. The smell of pancakes reaches him and it hits him, he must be at Canada's house. He gets up and walks to the kitchen and sure enough the shy, blonde country is there.

"Good morning, Canada~!" He says melodically.

Canada looks up at him and blushes slightly. "Morning."

Prussia wondered why he was embarrassed, maybe because he didn't have a shirt on but Prussia wasn't sure. He sits on one of the stools and watches the Canadian make what can only be described as culinary heaven.

When Canada finally completes his little works of art he retrieves the maple syrup and sits down by Prussia. The latter eats zealously, thoroughly enjoying the meal and they eat in silence. After he finishes Prussia looks over at Canada.

"So... uh, how did I get here?" He asks rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, well last night you kind of showed up at my house, drunk. You were kinda out of it but you said you were cold so, uh, we slept in my bed."

"Oh," Prussia responds blushing just as badly as Canada.

He now was starting to remember that he went drinking the night before with the other members of the bad touch trio. He must have somehow made his way to Canada's house. It made sense, he kind of had a crush on the young country and his intoxicated mind was probably not on the same "hide your feelings" program.

"Sorry about that," he apologizes.

"It's fine," Canada says, looking down.
Prussia thinks hard for a minute then smiles brightly. "Hey, why don't I make it up to you? What would you like to do?"

"Um, I don't know," Canada says.

Just then Canada's polar bear walks up and starts asking Canada for food. Canada smiles apologetically at Prussia and goes to feed his pet. That gives Prussia an idea.

"Hey, let's go to the zoo!" he says suddenly.

Canada comes back from the other room and looks at him curiously. "The zoo?"

"Yeah I heard they have a new exhibit!" Prussia says excitedly.

"Oh, okay."

"Yay! Then it's settled the awesome me and the almost as awesome you will go to the zoo!"

Canada laughs a little which may or may not have forced Prussia to hide a blush. Which isn't un-awesome by the way. Prussia locates his shirt and jacket and he and Canada set out for the local zoo. They don't take Kuma because Canada felt it might be traumatic for him, which made Prussia happy because it meant alone time with Canada and the polar bear didn't like him.

They look at the sea creatures first, Prussia was very amused by the penguins. Canada was sad when they saw the polar bears but soon lightened up when they watched the sea otters play. Canada learned about Prussia's deathly fear of bugs, especially spiders. They both had fun watching monkeys and Prussia went as far as to imitate them and Canada almost died from laughter. They made it to the birds section and they found some birds which Prussia was immediately drawn to.

"Hmm," Prussia says looking at some of the birds. "Gilbird is better."

Canada smiles. "I think your a bit biased and why are you comparing birds."

"Don't judge me," Prussia says with fake seriousness.

Canada rolls his eyes and drags Prussia along. They end at the zoo's gift shop, Prussia insists on buying Canada something and despite the other's protests he buys them both matching zoo t-shirts. They go to lunch at a nearby diner after that, Prussia insists on paying.

"You really don't have to," Canada insists.

Prussia puts his finger in front of Canada's lips. "Hush child, this is my treat to you."

Canada sighs in reluctance and they eat and walk back to the house together. They stop on Canada's porch and Prussia scratches the back of his head again.

"I guess I should be getting back, West is probably starting to get worried," he says, but if he was honest he really wanted to stay.

"I guess," Canada says. "Well I had a fun time today, thank you."

"I had fun, too."

They stand there awkwardly and Prussia finds himself overcome by impulse. He leans in and quickly kisses Canada's cheek, leaving both boys blushing.

"See ya later," he says leaving as fast as he can without tripping.

"See ya," Canada says staring after him.

It turns out that the crush that both of them had on each other was stronger than either of them expected. And in some fantastic turn of events, their feelings were reciprocated by the other.


A/N: I may have said this before but these two are so freaking adorable^_^

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