[62]SpaMano: Bad Day

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Spain came home late one evening to find Romano on the couch reading. When the Italian notices him he looks at Spain with a disappointed glare.

"And where were you?" He asks crossing his arms.

"Lo siento, my meeting went late," Spain says tiredly.

Romano sighs. "Well, your dinner is in the fridge."

"Gracias," Spain thanks him.

Romano watches him leave and feels concern rise in his chest. He can sense that there is something wrong with the overly cheerful Spaniard. Romano also knows it is his solemn responsibility as his boyfriend to help raise his spirit.

After Spain eats dinner Romano is there waiting.

"What's up?" Spain asks.

"Come," Romano grabs his wrist and drags him to the living room.

Romano sits him down and gives Spain his favorite tomato pillow. He puts in Spain's favorite Spanish soap opera. Spain is very confused but as soon as Romano voluntarily cuddles with him he doesn't care.

A couple hours later the doorbell rings and Romano goes to get it and Spain follows him. Romano opens the door and two men run in and hug Spain.

"Aaaak!" Spain yells as he is nearly suffocated by France and Prussia.

"Oops, sorry man," Prussia says letting him go.

"I don't wanna let go," France whines.

Romano clears his throat and France quickly releases his friend.

"How did you guys get here?" Spain asks.

"Your little Italian called us and said you were down in the dumps so we from the first flight over," France responds.

"Yeah, it worked out well since Canada and I were visiting Francey-pants anyway," Prussia adds.

"Oh, where is Canada?" Spain inquires.

"I'm right here," a voice says through the doorway and Romano gives Spain a disappointed look.

"So let's get going! The awesome me can wait no longer!" Prussia says and starts pushing them out the door.

Spain manages to get away and looks to Romano. "Are you sure you're okay with it?"

"Yes now go have fun," Romano reassures him.

Spain grins at him gratefully and gives a quick kiss and then goes off to join his friends.

"Do you think it is a bad idea to let them go out and drink together unsupervised?" Canada asks.

"Probably," Romano shrugs and invited the Canadian inside. "You hungry?"

"No thank you, I'm fine," Canada says.

They sit down and Lovino gets them something to drink. Romano likes the quiet country, although he can't imagine what he sees in the obnoxious Prussian.

"So is Spain doing okay?" Canada asks.

"Yeah he's fine," Romano shrugs. "I think some bad memories surfaced, it happens from time to time since his past was pretty... violent."

Canada nods. "I understand."

"Happens with every country, some more than others," Romano says.

"Yeah, Prussia has those moments too. I just make him pancakes and inflate his ego," Canada smiles.

"I didn't know his ego could get any bigger."

Canada giggles and Romano smiles, both of them feel that it is nice to have a friend.

"But really, should we have let them go drinking?" Canada asks.

"As long as they don't get arrested I'm sure it will be fine."

"Fair enough."

*Time skip brought to you by THE AWESOME PRUSSIA*

A few hours later Romano gets a call from a drunk Spaniard. Canada and Romano head over to the bar and drag the three members of the bad touch trio into the car. When they get back to Spain and Romano's place Romano drops his unconscious boyfriend on the couch.

"I guess I'll get going," Canada says.

"Are you sure? You're welcome to stay here," Romano invites.

"It's fine, I'll just take them to a motel and they can wallow in their own self pity tomorrow morning as long as they want and not annoy anyone."

"Okay thank you."

"You're welcome," Canada smiles and leaves to his rental car with his boyfriend and father figure passed out in the back.

Romano smiles and closes the door behind him.

"Roma," a voice calls behind him.
Romano turns around to see a very Spain try to sit up.

"Don't hurt yourself idiot," Romano says and walks over to him. "C'mon lets get you to bed."

He slings Spain's arm over his shoulder and helps him walk to their bedroom. After both of them eventually get dressed Romano turns the light off and gets in bed. Not even five seconds later he finds himself being clung to by the still tipsy Spaniard.

"You reek of alcohol," Romano grumbles.

"Thank you so much Roma," Spain says nuzzling his face into Romano's back.

"You're welcome now go to sleep."

"I love you so much."

Romano sighs but smiles. "Love you, too."


A/N: I originally was going to make this one more sad and emotional but I'm glad with how it turned out anyway. I hope you all liked it!

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