[10]RusLiet: Why Are You Still Here?

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Russia is very confused. His two friends Latvia and Estonia have left him but Lithuania is still here. The other countries had forced Russia to allow the three Baltic states their freedom. This made Russia very sad and don't get him wrong he is very happy to still have Lithuania but nothing has changed between the two of them.

He still has his sisters of course but Ukraine doesn't come around much anymore and Belarus... she is around but Russia doesn't exactly want her to be. But when it came to Lithuania things with Russia had begun to change, aside from the question of why Lithuania is still around. Russia found himself viewing Lithuania in a different way than just a normal subordinate. Why, despite all the pain Russia had put the timid country through, is he still here?

Russia is in his office going over paperwork when Lithuania walks in with his lunch. The brown-haired country sets the tray down and turns to leave. Before he can leave though, Russia grabs his wrist.

"Uh, M-mr. Russia?" Lithuania stutters as he puts his back to the door.

Russia towers over him but the Russian has a curious look on his face. "Why are you here?"

"I brought lunch?" Lithuania says as a question.

"Why are you still here, you could be free and I've hurt you so why do you stay?"

Lithuania's gaze lightens and he gives a timid smile.

"I honestly don't know myself, I-uh..." He finds himself not able to form an answer.

Russia waits patiently. Despite the things Russia had put him through, Lithuania felt... safe with him. He knew Russia was different from the moment he saw him when they were younger. Maybe the country is a bit different but Lithuania has known Russia for a long time. He knows how much having people around him meant to Russia and he didn't want to leave the country all alone.

"I'm just trying to help," he finally responds.

He turns around and opens the door and leaves. Russia is extremely dissatisfied with the answer he was given but he finds himself unable to act. He decides to wait and collect his thoughts and approach Lithuania again later on.


A few days pass and the tension between the two continues. Lithuania despite being there was avoiding Russia at all costs. This upset the Russian, more so than having the other countries leave him and this fact disturbs him. His dependency on the other country makes him nervous, making a real connection is dangerous.

During one evening is draws time where both residents are to go to sleep. Russia manages to catch Lithuania before he goes to his room. Lithuania waits for Russia to say something.

"Come with me," Russia says turning around and walking towards his room.

Lithuania follows attentively but also nervously. When they reach Russia's room Russia sits down on his bed and motions for Lithuania to come over.
Before he knows it, Lithuania finds himself being embraced by the large Russian man and having the blankets drawn over them. He is confused but unable to speak. The position is not uncomfortable, in fact what surprises Lithuania the most is how gently Russia holds him. Russia runs his fingers lightly through Lithuania's long brown hair and the two eventually drift off to sleep.


The next morning Russia wakes up and Lithuania is not there. This makes him sad and he gets up and changes quickly to find the other country. He checks everywhere in the mansion in vain to find his friend. This starts to worry him and he begins to almost desperately search the extensive grounds.

"Lithuania!" He calls out.

Finally after fifteen minutes of searching he finds Lithuania on a small wooden bridge that goes over a creek, looking out over the water. The scene was almost like out of a storybook and Russia approached him slowly and quietly.

"Lithuania," he says.

This startles Lithuania but he calms down as soon as he sees that it is him. Russia joins him in simply surveying the scene is silence. Finally Lithuania breaks the silence.

"Mr. Russia?" He asks.

"Please, just Ivan," he says, human names were something only shared with those closest to you.

"Oh, well if you want to know why I'm still here it's because I guess I feel safe, with you. My country is not ready for sudden independence yet and I don't know, I didn't want to you to be lonely."

Russia looks at the shorter country in shock. He did not know that anyone could genuinely care about him, Lithuania had no reason to lie. Russia then suddenly embraces Lithuania again.

"Thank you, Lithuania," he says.

"For what?" Lithuania asks.

"Staying," Russia says, embracing his friend tighter.

Lithuania smiles and hugs his dear friend, he knows he made the right choice to stay. "You're welcome and it's Toris."

"Thank you, Toris."


A/N: I can actually provide some historical context for this one. After WWI the allies declared many countries independent through the Treaty of Versailles. Russia had most of his colonies and a lot of territory taken from him. During that time Russia had already had two revolutions in 1917 and was going through a civil war, so lots a fun there. Anyway this one-shot would be considered inaccurate since Lithuania was declared independent but I believe Russia gains him back later on during WWII but don't quote me on that.

History is fun^_^

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