[22]PoLiet (High School AU): A Good Date

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Toris put on his clothes in a hurry, it was Saturday and he had plans for the day. He was about to go on his third date with Feliks, who had been his best friend for forever. Despite having known each other for so long, dating was different than just being friends. They had kissed on the second date and the memory was still fresh in the Lithuanian's mind.

It was only after watching Feliks go through many shallow and short lasting relationships and Toris having his heart broken by Ivan that they finally started to go out. Toris wasn't quite sure if a romantic relationship was right for them but he was willing to give it a try when Feliks asked.

Toris heard the doorbell ring and he breathed a sigh before going to answer it. Sure enough, there stood the blonde boy in a similar outfit but with brighter colors. The Polish boy embraced his friend who of course hugged back and they were soon on their way. They went to a the city mall and just walked through the shops. Normally Toris found shopping boring but Feliks made it fun and entertaining.

"Liet, try this on!" Feliks showed him a bright yellow shirt with a smiley face on it.

"Uh, I'm not sure that's really my style," Toris put his hands up.

"Awww but you'd look so cute," Feliks pouted.

Toris just shook his head and grinned at his friend. They continued like this and Toris actually consented to trying on some of the outfits that Feliks picked out. It was a lot of fun for the both of them. They eventually decided they were hungry and they went to the food court, Feliks insisted on paying and wouldn't take "no" for an answer. The food wasn't terrible and they had fun talking to each other. Finally they went to the theater to watch a romantic comedy, Toris let Feliks choose since he payed for lunch.

They were going to buy popcorn but it was really expensive. That and Feliks nearly got in a fight with an employee about it but Toris dragged him away. During the movie Toris felt Feliks take his hand and intertwine their fingers. He felt himself blush and the warmth of Feliks hand gave him a feeling of peace. When the movie finished Toris looked over to Feliks, who had tears in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Toris asked with concern.

Feliks wiped the tears from his eyes. "It was just so beautiful."

Toris smiled at his friend and he put his hand on the others shoulder.

"It was a very nice movie," He agreed.

"They were just so happy at the end, I hope we can get to that point," Feliks said honestly.

"Oh," Toris responded awkwardly.

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot, will you be my boyfriend like, officially?"

Toris's eyes widened and he realized maybe being with Feliks wasn't as weird as he thought it was. Their relationship hadn't changed that much and the warm feeling he got when being around Feliks had been getting even stronger. Feliks had always been there for him, when his other friends left him and his parents were too caught up in their own lives, Feliks was always there to cheer him up.

"Yes, yes of course," he said quickly.

Feliks smiled and embraced him tightly. The Lithuanian hugged him just as tightly back. When Feliks broke the hug he kissed Toris quickly but passionately. Then they heard someone clear their throat behind them.

"Excuse me the movie is over, could you please leave the theater," a theater employee said with an indifferent look on his face.

Toris was embarrassed but Feliks just laughed due to his still present happiness from the last few minutes. He takes Toris's hand and drags him out of the theater. They walked back to Toris's house hand in hand. Once on the porch Feliks took his new boyfriends other hand in his.

"Today was like, wonderful," he said genuinely.

"Yeah I had fun," Toris said blushing a little.

Feliks leaned upward on his toes to capture Toris's lips. During the kiss the only thing Toris could think of was how he could definitely fall in love with this boy.

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