[75]FrUkUs: Internal Screaming

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A/N: Let the shipping war commence.


It started off with small gestures, opening doors, offering chairs and all that. Soon though things started to escalate, flowers, food and other things. At first Britain was confused, he was used to arguing with the other two countries. Soon he caught on to what they were trying to do but that confused him even more.

France was the first one to confess and America followed only a week later. He told them both that he would have to think about it in order to buy some time. He was very confused as to why there was so much attention on was being put on him. He decided to get advice from the only person he could think of.

"What's going on little brother?" Scotland answers.

"I need help," Arthur says in a regretful tone.

"Ooh mark the day the the great United Kingdom actually needed the assistance from a lesser being."

"Shut up."

"I'm just yanking your chain, whatcha need?"

"Let's say, hypothetically, that two people say that they... want to make an alliance. But I have to choose one, of them, hypothetically..."

England hears a stifled laugh over the line. "Well, hypothetically I would look at who would be more beneficial as an ally and maybe look at how you really feel about them."

"But... what if they are both very persistent," England says staring at the twenty bunches of roses(and that's just from America France sent him the equivalent of an entire garden).

"Well you're the one making the decision and you happen to be the most stubborn country to ever annoy the world."

England rolls his eyes. "Thanks, I guess," he responds somewhat sarcastically.

"No problem baby brother," Scotland laughs.

England hangs up the phone and looks tiredly at Flying Mint Bunny.

"Do you have any ideas?" He asks.

She shakes her head apologetically and Englands sighs. He decides it's time to come up with a serious plan and figure what he is going to do.


He calls both of them over, not telling them anything. All he could do is pray that France wouldn't show up naked or worse. America arrived first and they just stood there awkwardly. France did eventually show up and luckily he was fully clothed.

The atmosphere was so tense that England felt like he was going to suffocate. Both of them were staring at him and giving side glares to each other.

"So I'm guessing you know why I asked you here..." England starts.

"England, I..." England stops America.

"Don't, I'm going to clearly state how I feel and you are both going to be quiet."

He lets out a sigh and the two other countries look at him shocked and mildly impressed.

"First of all France, you have been my rival for as long as I can recall and you irritate me to no end but I'm not past admitting that I'm probably closer to you than anyone else. America, it was an honor and privilege to raise you and despite some things I'm proud of the country you have become. So I hope both of you understand that it isn't that I dislike or hate either of you but this was all... very sudden for me. I don't know and rest assured this frustrates me to know end, whether or not I like either of you romantically. Our countries have gone through some crazy things these last few centuries and I haven't even thought about a..." England pauses feeling very shaky.

"Relationship of any sort. But I guess I'm not opposed to the idea but give me a few years and don't try to force anything. I want to be fair to the both of you," he pauses and waits for a response.

Both France and America stare at him for a little bit. Then they both sigh almost simultaneously.

"That is fair my dear England," France says.

"Okay Arthur," America says reluctantly.

France glares at him. "Don't speak to him so familiarly!"

"Don't call him 'my dear'!" America retorts.

"Stop!" England yells and they both look back to him. "If you two continue to fight over me I swear I'll use all the magic I have to break the forth wall and I'll stick the fangirls on you."

Out of fear of certain death, both countries agree to stop and England breaths a sigh of relief knowing that at least one stressor has been dealt with.

A few years later England did in fact develop feelings for one of them, but that isn't relevant here.


A/N: before y'all tell me I'm awful, I stayed true to myself in my hatred of love triangles. As long as the person in the middle it to acknowledge the other two's feelings I'm fine. But I guess that teaser at the end was a little mean.

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