[34]PruCan (High School AU): First Date

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A/N: Someone requested that I do PruCan fluff (sorry forgot your name, comment here if you'd like people to know). I already had this written, I hope it's fluffy enough. Hope you enjoy!


"Birdie~!" Matthew hears a voice call to him.

He looks up from his homework that is due later that day. Gilbert comes up to him and sits partially on his desk and smiles at him. Matthew smiles shyly back.

"Good morning Gilbert," he says to the albino.

"You doing homework?" Gilbert asks.

"Yeah I was kinda distracted last night so I didn't get this done," Matthew grins, Gilbert knew why, he had been texting Matthew all night.

Gilbert ruffles Matthew's hair. "You are a better person than me, my studious young Matthew."

Matthew giggles a little, Gilbert made him so happy. He even forgot what he had been wanting ask Gil about.

"Hey Birdie, do you want to do something after school?"

Matthew stares at him wide-eyed. "Um, sure."

Gilbert smiles happily. "Awesome! I'll meet you by the entrance alright?" He stands up.

"Okay, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" Gilbert winks and speeds off toward his class.

Matthew shakes his head and looks back down at his paper. He and Gilbert have been friends ever since he moved from his mom's in Canada to live with his stepbrother Alfred. Gilbert is one of the few people who actually sticks by Matthew and listens to him. Recently though, they've been growing closer.

Gilbert texted him quite a bit and they have been hanging out with each other more often. And a few days ago at one of Alfred's parties, which isn't as bad as it sounds it is just Alfred inviting half the school over with loud music and games. Matthew didn't enjoy them all that much but he got to hang out with Gilbert during the last one. But near the end of the night as the Prussian was leaving he gave Matthew a kiss on the cheek.

So Matthew naturally wanted to know what it meant. He wouldn't deny that he had a crush on Gilbert but he needed to know what the white-haired boy thought of him. Gilbert had been talking and texting him like normal since then, although maybe a little more so. Needless to say he is nervous and excited about after school.

He went through his school day and did his best to concentrate. During his release period he talks to Lovino about the situation and he just told him to just see how it goes. Lovino had been wanting them to get together for awhile so Matthew wasn't entirely sure he was being impartial. When the day ends he goes to the front of the and waits for Gilbert to arrive.

"Mattie you came!" Gilbert says running up to him.

"Yeah of course," Matthew smiles back.
Gilbert links his arm with Matthews. "Let's go then!"


Gilbert drags Matthew to the mall and they spend the afternoon going around to different stores. It is actually a lot of fun, Gilbert forces him to try on different and sometimes ridiculous outfits. Matthew decides to get him back and forces him to try on a dress.

"No way, not awesome!" Gilbert says waving his hands in front of the dress trying to push it away.

"Oh c'mon you made me try on a shirt with sequins," Matthew pouts.

"And you looked fabulous, but I don't have the body to pull off a dress."

Matthew blushes a little at his compliment. He then looks at Gilbert smugly.

"Huh and I thought there was nothing that could make you unawesome," Matthew says.

Gilbert feels the hit to his pride and reluctantly takes the dress. When he comes out Matthew takes a picture of him in a frilly yellow sun dress. Gilbert grumbles and pouts.

"Don't you dare send that to anyone," Gilbert threatens.

"No promises," Matthew says as he sends it to Lovino.

"You're awful," Gilbert says crossing his arms and Matthew just giggles.

"I think you look really pretty," Matthew says patting his shoulder.

Gilbert's face immediately brightens. "Well of course," and he strikes a goofy pose.

Matthew laughs out loud and they continue trying on clothes until one of the employees asks them to stop. They walk out of the store with Gilbert still laughing and Matthew grinning. They go to lunch after that in the food court and Gilbert insists on paying.

"What are you doing?" Matthew asks.

Gilbert is in the process of taking his pickles of his hamburger and eating them with his fries.

"Don't judge the awesome me," Gilbert says confidently.

Matthew giggles and shrugs, he wasn't one to judge weird eating preferences. When they complete their meal, Gilbert brings him to the kid area and Gilbert doesn't have any change so they just mess around on the rides until another employee tells them to stop. They leave the mall hand in hand and head back to Matthew's house.

"You know, that's the first time an adult have ever told me to stop misbehaving," Matthew confesses.

"Really?! I get yelled at all the time."

"I know," Matthew grins.

Gilbert feigns offense. "What is that supposed to mean? I just know how to have fun."

"Sure Gil," Matthew rolls his eyes.

They talk until the reach the porch. Gilbert then suddenly pulls Matthew to the steps and sit there for a minute in silence.

"Um Birdie, can I ask you something?"

Matthew feels anticipation fill his chest. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to do this again."

"Sure, yeah it was awesome!" Matthew answers immediately.

Gilbert smiles at him. "And I was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my boyfriend?"

Matthew freezes, so Gilbert does like him?

"Yes!" He says a little too loudly.

Gilbert pulls him into a hug. "Birdie, you're so adorable!"

Matthew blushes and when Gilbert pulls away from the hug he gives Matthew a quick kiss on the lips. This makes Matthew so embarrassed yet so happy.

"So you really do like me?"

"Of course silly," Gilbert sighs with a smile. "You are the kindest, most adorable person I have ever met. You're as awesome as the awesome me!"

Matthew smiles happily and pulls Gilbert into another kiss.

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