[8]PruAus: Bakas and Hungary

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"You little prick, what the heck do you think you're doing!" Austria yells.

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" Prussia says angrily raising his voice higher than the Austrians.

Hungary sat in the other room trying to read manga in peace. Obviously this wasn't working out for her. Usually she found it entertaining but it has been getting to the point where this was a daily occurrence.

They claimed to be fighting over Hungary, or at least that's what they appeared to be doing to anyone on the outside. But Hungary knows the truth, despite having previously been married to Austria she has known the truth all along.

"Will you guys shut up!" She yells at a pitch that shakes the house.

The mansion falls quiet and the two men glare daggers at each other. They make a silent agreement to both go to war, a war over who is more of a man. And Hungary would be caught in the middle.


The next few days started off him them both being extremely polite to Hungary, opening the door for her, doing her share of the chores, stuff like that. But as the week progressed it stated to get more competitive.

"Hey Hungary! I made you a cake!" Prussia says running up to her with a chocolate cake in his hand with strawberries randomly scattered on the top.

"Oh thank you, Prussia," Hungary responds taking the cake from him.

"Ms. Hungary would you please come with me I have a song to share with you," Prussia says approaching from behind the two.

"Oh, uh," Hungary starts but Prussia cuts her off.

"Excuse me but Hungary and I were talking, when you impolitely interrupted us," Prussia says smirking.

"I do not think it is me who is being impolite here," Austria says glaring contemptuously at him.

"Oh really?" Prussia towers over the Austrian.

"Yes you immature little imbecile."

Prussia prepares to retort but Hungary quickly separates the two.

"Okay I've had enough," she exasperates.

Both men stare at her confused and she crosses her arms putting her fingers to her forehead.

"I thought you two could figure it out on your own but I guess I'm going to have to take matter into my own hands," she then walks off leaving them there with no explanation.

Once she got to her room she immediately pulls out her phone to make a call.

"Japan, we need to talk," she says grinning.


The next morning Hungary was already ready to implement her plan. She calls the boys into the one of the main rooms and stands there with her arms crossed, ready for battle (she may or may not have her frying pan close by just in case). The two men walk in, not one after the other but side by side.

"What's up Hungary?" Prussia asks.

"Are you going to tell us what you meant yesterday?" Austria asks, always straight to the point.

"Oh I'm just sick and tired of you two fighting..."

"But what did you mean by we haven't figured something out?" Prussia inquires.

"Just let her talk," Austria glares.

Hungary clears her throat loudly and both of them look back at her. "Well, I just would like to say I've known you two for a long time and you are too dense to figure it out then I guess I'm going to have to help."

"Figure out what?" Austria asks, very frustrated with anticipation.

"Don't interrupt her!" Prussia says angrily.

"Excuse me!" Both men go back to the usual position of yelling in each others face.

Hungary rolls her eyes. "Japan now!"

As soon as she says that a large dog (borrowed from Germany) runs into the room and jumps on Austria's back and knocks him right onto Prussia. Both their faces are only centimeters away.

Hungary kneels by them and says with a smirk. "It's been fun boys, now would you please kiss and make up."

With that, she and the dog leave the two flustered men alone. Austria finds himself incapable of moving and are processing the realization they had just come to. After a few moments of silence Prussia gives Austria a nervous smile and says.

"Wait, if I'm taller shouldn't I be on top?"

Austria looks at him in shock and then with a glare.

"You are truly an idiot."

Prussia feigns anger and then presses his lips in the Austrian's. Leaving his newfound lover in shock again he laughs a peculiar and obnoxious laugh that the Austrian secretly found enduring.

"Yeah but know I'm your idiot."


A/N: I prefer PruCan but the interactions of these two are just hilarious. Also thank you for over 100 reads! I know this book isn't as popular as some of my others but I love writing these and I hope you enjoy reading them.

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