[12]FACE Family (Human AU): Vacation

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Francis came home to his husband and youngest son arguing, again.

"You are always hanging out at that shady Japanese kid's house!" Arthur shouts, during a failed attempt to lecture his son about his grades.

"Kiku is a good guy, don't bring him into this," Alfred says angrily.

"Where is Mattheu?" Francis inquires.

"I'm right here," says a voice standing right next to him.

The blonde haired man's heart jumps but calms once once he recognizes his oldest son.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How was school? How did that math test go?"

"Okay and I got a 43 out of 45," the French-Canadian boy responds.

"See you should be following your brothers example," Arthur says glaring at Alfred.

Before the boy has time to retort Francis cuts him off.

"Okay then, I'm going to make dinner and then I have an important announcement to make." He puts his hand on Alfred's shoulder. "Why don't you help."

Alfred reluctantly follows his father into the kitchen. Matthew looks at Arthur.

"What is the announcement?" He asks.

"How the heck am I supposed to know," Arthur says turning away and then says under his breath. "Stupid frog."

During dinner that evening you could have cut the tension with a knife. Francis upon finishing his meal stands up. He clears his throat and everyone looks up.

"Okay, since I have the weekend off and none of you are currently doing a sport I thought we could do something as a family."

"Like what?" Arthur asks skeptically.

Francis smiles. "We're going camping!"

The other three just stare at him in disbelief.

"Why?" Alfred asks scrunching his face.

"I think it will be a wholesome family activity," Francis says smiling. "Don't you think so, honey?"

Arthur just frowns at him. With no further comments Francis claps his hands in excitement.

"Excellent it's settled then."


They reached a campsite near the coast that Friday evening. The car ride was actually somewhat peaceful as the kids were tired from a week of school and slept the whole way. When they finally pile out of the car and were about to unpack their stuff, Francis stops them.

"I was thinking in order to have this weekend be more fun we could make a competition out of it, I have thought up some things we could do and we can track points."

"Will there be a prize?" Alfred says, suddenly very into it.

"Winning child gets to ride shotgun home and parent gets to drive."

Both Alfred and Matthew look at each other. The back of Francis' car was very cramped and riding shotgun all the way home was something worth fighting for.

"Okay so for teams," The Frenchman continues. "It will be Alfred and Arthur versus Matthieu and myself."

Alfred and Arthur glare at each other, threatening the other with hate if they don't perform well. Matthew grins at his dad who smiles back.

"Okay so first challenge is setting up the tents... ready, go!"

Each team grabbed one of the tents and the next few minutes consisted of Arthur and Alfred yelling at each other and Matthew trying to read the instructions over the loud voices of his father and brother.

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