[74]RusCan (High School AU): Smol Cinnamon Bun Defense Squad

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A/N: Strangely enough I'm not a huge fan of this ship but someone requested it so here yeah go!


"Yo Mattie what are you doing up? It's like ten on a Saturday" Alfred yawns walking into the bathroom.

Matthew was busy doing his hair, putting more effort than usually does.
"Ivan is coming over in an hour."

"Ugh, are you still like, mutual handholding buddies?"

"Al I already told you, we are dating this is technically our third date."

"That has yet to be seen."

"Please don't sabotage this," Matthew asks earnestly.

"I'm just trying to protect you," Al argues.

"Then don't you want me to be happy?"

"I don't want him to hurt you."

Matthew just gives him a look and Alfred throws up his hands.

"Fine, I won't do anything but if he does..."

"Yeah, yeah you're the hero," Matthew smiles.

Alfred grins triumphantly at the ego boost and Matthew rolls his eyes. An hour passes and Matthew begins to become more anxious with anticipation. Finally the door rings and he runs to answer. He opens it to see a smiling Russian.

"Hello Matvey," Ivan greets him.

"Hey," Matthew blushes slightly and gestures for him to come inside.

"Are you hungry?" Matthew asks.

"Only if it's convenient," Ivan responds with a smile.

"It's perfectly fine, I'll make us some pancakes," Matthew heads off to the kitchen and Ivan follows him.

Matthew gets straight to work on their pancakes. Ivan is impressed by how quickly and smoothly the Canadian is but then again it does make sense.

"How are your sisters?" Matthew inquires.

"They are well, thank you. It was a pain to evade Natalia before coming here though."

"Huh, well I get what it's like having overprotective siblings," Matthew giggles.

Ivan smiles and nods. "Yes, she used to follow me to class even though I was in high school and she in middle school."

"Alfred once thought I was being bullied so he pretended to be me one day when I was sick and almost got in a fight."

"I lost my scarf one day and Natalia launched the equivalent of a military investigation while Irunya (Ukraine) hugged me until it was found."

Matthew laughs. "Sibling are strange."

Ivan nods in agreement and was about to say something but they hear a crash from upstairs. Alfred then appears looking slightly disgruntled.

"I sensed that a hero was needed! Mattie are you alright?!"

Matthew rolls his eyes. "I'm fine, I was just laughing,"

Alfred calms down a bit but doesn't leave. He just stands there glaring at Ivan.

"Al, don't you have homework?" Matthew asks.

Alfred just grunts and stomps out.

"Sorry about that," Matthew apologizes to Ivan.

"It is fine," Ivan assures him.

Matthew finishes the pancakes soon after and they eat together quite contently. They have found that the silence between them is never awkward or uncomfortable.

"Thanks for the pancakes,"  Ivan says.

"Sure," Matthew blushes.

Ivan kisses him on the forehead that makes things much worse for Matthew.

"You are so cute," Ivan compliments.

"Don't say things like that," Matthew says.

Ivan envelops him in a big hug. "I love you Matvey."

"Love you, too."

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