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A/N: This prologue is also a chapter. The entire story starts here, so if you don't read it you'll be lost throughout the entire story.

Stay Happy :)

Prologue: Alex' POV

Alex' POV

"It's getting old, Alex. You have to improve yourself if you want to make it through this year. Shit happens, I know, but not that many times, you should've learned from your mistakes by now. Alex. I'm serious, shit's bound to change for the worse if you don't do anything now. This is your last chance, Alex. Alexander? Do you hear me?"

I remained motionless.

"Alex, do you hear what I'm saying?" he repeats with a raised and firm tone. I look up and nod carelessly with tired eyes.

Julian was always able to get to me no matter what, but I tried not to show any emotion, I was really good at that. Maybe the reason he always got through to me was because I'd had a crush on him for a long time. He probably knew it too, and to be honest, if it wasn't for him being my school-counselor we'd probably be a thing by now, but unfortunately nothing has happened, and I understand completely, it's for the best. Plus, I'm not out (and won't ever be) and that's always a problem for gay relationships, it never works out.

The reason I'm not out is not entirely because I'm scared, I don't give a shit about what people thinks of me nor about my sexual orientation, and plus, no one dares to fuck with me anyway. You see I have this image, I'm known to be quite intimidating. People know better than to fuck with me. I just simply need to keep it real to that image, I don't want people seeing me any different than scary, and I know what you're all thinking, it's the 21st century, no one judges, but come on. Who believes that? I know they don't show any judgment but I know what everyone would think if they found out I was gay, they wouldn't take me seriously. And I need to be taken seriously if I want to remain in one piece.

"Good, so what're you gonna' do 'bout it?" he asked, I had been quiet for a long time. I was doing really badly lately, in everything. School, my social life, family, everything. This wouldn't be a big thing considering it's me we're talking about, Alex: The Bad Boy, but it's bad, like really bad, police getting involved, people dying, bad. That's why I'm going to actually try and change this time. My past is a long story and I'd be here all night if I were to explain what has happened the past couple of years, Julian and the people involved are the only ones knowing what happened. Plus, what got me right here at this moment, has been one of the big mistakes, I overdosed and almost died.

Two weeks ago there was a party at a bar, it was supposed to be the party of the year. My friend and I were getting stoned at this notorious place we know right outside of where the party was being held. We weren't old enough to get in, it was one of the few times there were guards. I was furious and got into a fight with one of the guards. My face ended up soaked in blood, my lip was swollen, my eyebrow cut and much worse. Those gorillas were huge. I remember not being able to feel my face, and also the feeling of adrenalin pumping in my veins, it was intense. I'm known to have a bit of a temper, and one thing led to another and suddenly pills were involved, I flushed them down my throat with alcohol that one of our elder friends had gotten us. Before I knew it I woke up at the hospital, my stomach had been pumped and I was on the verge of dying, again. For the second time this year.

That's why I'm really gonna try and do better from now on. And both me and my parents dropped the therapy since it was only making it all worse, I've done a lot better just seeing Julian 3 times a week, and when necessary, 4 times. Lately it's been 4 times a week.

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