Just Like That

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Chapter 30: Just Like That

Three police cars showed up, and just when you thought things were as chaotic as it could be, you find out you were terribly wrong. People started running away, scattering like rats getting released from its cages. I ignored all the fuss, no matter how much my brain was telling me to get the fuck up and run away, I couldn't, my body apparently had a mind of its own since I just kept beating the crap out of Felix. The police beelined through the chaotic crowd and came straight for me and Felix. They pulled me off of him and violently pushed me away from the crowd. They had my hands behind my back, clutching tightly, making me wince, and forced me to the police car. Buried in the loud noise I hear the police reciting my Miranda rights out loud. And all that I can think of is Alec. The cop throws me against his car and starts patting me down, then he cuffs me, he shoved me in the car, his hand on my head, and then he closes the door. I looked out the window. People cleared the place, and all though everything was blurry, the red and blue lights were clearer than ever.

As the car slowly started driving I saw Alec run out of the slide doors. His eyes were wide, his chest rising and falling as his breathing seemed heavy. He looked around until he caught eye contact. The only thing I noticed was that he was fine, not a scratch on him, I grinned wickedly like a hyena. I couldn't help but feel relieved! He was okay, Felix hadn't touched him. He still deserved the beating though.

Alec, out of nowhere, starts sprinting towards the police car, which was pulling out. He runs to the car and with fisted hands he beats the hood of the car, making the police honk and hit the breaks making me launch forward. He was standing in the way. He mouthed something crazily, one of the officers get out. He seemed so upset, so scared. His wide eyes were watery, and red. He was worrying me, he had to go away.

"I'm sorry kid, I'm gonna have to ask you to move, you can see your friend at the station. I heard the officer mumble, since he hadn't closed his door. I looked at Alec, with worry, please don't do anything stupid.

"Alec! Get the fuck away, I'll be fine!" I shouted from the car, I caught Alec's attention, I couldn't blame him for being worried, not while I was looking like this, with blood everywhere. "Please baby, don't do anything stupid, just go!" I yell the last part. With tears running down he steps away from the car. The officer gets in the car and we drive away, I see Alec crying, falling to his knees, I watch him until I can no longer see him. It broke my heart, and it was all Felix' fault. That fucking idiot. It was all a bluff. But why did he do it, it couldn't be that he was into me. That's just crazy.

We arrived at the station, two cars behind us, dragging a few of the boys inside. Probably for possession. Ugh, worst thing though, I knew those guys. As one of the cops got out and pulled me out, he started leading me inside the station. I was led up next to the two other guys that were being dragged inside. I noticed it was Jason and Jackson. Fuck, poor guys.

"Yo, Alex? What the fuck happened dude?" Jason asked as the three of us and each our police officers were walking towards the entrance. "Who was the idiot that called the cops?" Jason hissed, lowering his head.

"I don't know?! Whoever did it, is a fucking newbie to the dumpster. We all know our one and only fucking code, no cops" I was furious. I don't know at who the most though, Felix, the fucktard that called the cops or Elijah for throwing a party for juveniles. My hands were hurting, and being cuffed behind my back wasn't helping.

"Alex, whoever did this needs to fucking pay, my mom will kill me. She can't keep bailing me out. this is my second offence. She'll take my bike... oh my god... she'll sell my motorcycle to pay the fine." Jackson panicked.

I felt bad for them, I felt so horrible. This was my fault, I was the reason someone called the cops. As we entered the station, I was led to a desk. Jason and Jackson were uncuffed and took a seat behind me. The cop let go of me and uncuffed me as well. I sighed in relief and took my hands up to my chest. They were dirty, dried blood and open wounds was all that I could see. I waited as the desk-lady filled some papers, I look around and saw the empty cell I was about to enter. We were then later detained, and waited for something to happen.

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