You're a Murderer, Almost

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Chapter 7: You're a Murderer, Almost

"Dude... what the hell happened to you" I asked my eyes wide open. He quickly turned back around covering his back again, I let him. When I had lifted his shirt I didn't only see that a small bruise had formed from when I had shoved him against the door, but a ton of other bruises and scars.

"None of your business" he muttered. And stepped away from me and closer to the bed. I turned around to face him and stepped closer to him.

"Come on man.-" I removed my hair from my face to behind my ear. "You gotta talk to me"

"No I don't Alexander. I really don't, your have to understand that. I've been through shit, yes. But I'm so over it, I've talked to so many before you, I don't need to bring those memories back just to fill your curiosity. Stay out of it, and stop asking about my life." He said strictly. "Stay out of it." He repeated his brows raised. He grabbed his shit and rushed out of the door.

I'm such an idiot. Why do I even care so much? Why do I wanna know? And more importantly, what the fuck just happened? I've never touched anybody like that before. It was weird, in a weirdly good way. It's so scary. But I felt bad nonetheless. I couldn't help it, I ran out after him. I didn't even bother to put on shoes I ran out with socks and when I could see him he had gotten out of our front yard and walked on the sidewalk. I ran up to him calling his name. He heard but didn't react. I reached him and stopped him by placing my hand on his shoulder. My socks were soaked wet from the thin layer of snow on the ground. I was freezing and shaking from the cold weather.

"Dude..." I called after him, he turned around and I did something weird. I smashed myself into him, hugging him. I didn't know why? I just did it. "You don't ever have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm sorry, I'll stay out of it" I whispered hugging him tighter. He grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me away gently to look at me. He was confused, we looked at each other for a moment and then he pulled me back into his arms. We just stood there. Hugging. For like 3 solid minutes. It felt so good, honestly, I couldn't even describe the feeling. It was like this was what I had been waiting for forever. It felt right, but wrong at the same time. I don't get it. I thought my head would explode. So many thoughts running around in my head, yet they just faded every time we touched. He was special to me. I just fucking met the guy, yet somehow I felt like we connected instantly.

"I'll forgive you if you let me cut your hair" he suddenly whispered in my ear when we were still hugging. I pulled away my eyes widened.

"Please, Alexander." I said, worry filling my eyes.

"Please, Alexander" he mimicked. "No, I'm cutting your hair." He said with a smirk.

"Shit" I hissed. "No, dude. Please, there's nothing I love more than my babies. You can't do this to me"

"Alex. I have to. Don't worry you'll look even better after I'm done" he said reassuring me by holding my shoulders firmly.

"Wait does that mean I look good now too?" I smirked lifting a brow.

"Well, sure you do." He released my shoulders looking down.

"You're blushing" I said bluntly. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud, now I made it awkward, cause he looked up at me his eyes wide and his cheeks a turning a deeper shade of red.

"Uhm, okay so, enough of that? Should we go back inside and cut those dreads?" He said trying to change subject. I brought my hands up to my hair and hushed him.

"Don't, You're scaring them"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry. Anyway, should we go and murder your babies. Better?" He chuckled as he saw my frightened expression. I pushed him by his shoulder with one hand and looked offended.

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