Yard Time

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Chapter 37: Yard Time

After breakfast we were allowed outside for 2 hours. I hadn't spoken to Alec since dinner yesterday. I was dying to see him again. How did he get here? How long did he have? What would he do about school? This was exactly the kind of problem I didn't want on him. Why would he get involved, did he not care at all how hurt I'd be to see him in danger. I spotted him entering the huge fenced square yard. He walked past some of the blacks and whites playing basket ball. Owen was at his usual bench, gnawing at a toothpick. Alec spotted me and walked towards me. Emilio and most of the Mex' weren't to be seen, it was a huge yard. More than hundreds of inmates filled the large area. 

"Alex, please hear me out." He said pleadingly. I closed my eyes and sighed. 

"I can't believe you Alec. You're unbelievable. I asked you for one thing. What do you expect to happen now? Huh? Why- I just I can't fathom why you thought this was a good idea?"

"I spoke to Blake last night. He told me everything. Why you look like this, the Mexican's. Baby I have history with the Mex'. I can make them bow before you, they won't touch a single hair on your head when I'm here. I can protect you."

"Babe! I can take care of it! I just can't grasp how you could do this to me, to your self most importantly! What about school?"

"What is done is done, can we just do our time and get out of here together, safely." he placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled assuringly. My eyes widened, this reminded me-


"Yea?" He looked confused at my shock. 

"How much do you have to do? Alex If it's more than 3 months I'm beating up a guard and staying here until you go, I swear to God if you did anything stupid-"

"Don't worry I assaulted Jammy the perv down the street and got 2 months." He said carelessly. 

"Alec..." My voice was softer, I pulled him closer to me. 

"I know, but please just trust me on this one. And now at least we can be together." He said.

I exhaled. "Why do you have history with the Mex'? They don't seem like good people?"

Alec looked down and closed his eyes as if he was disappointed in himself. "I had to make a tough decision. I chose survival. Look we can talk about that later... So, hey! Who is your bunk mate?" He smiled and tried cheering me up. I looked at him worriedly. This was not good...



The plan I had in mind had to wait until tomorrow. I had to find Hark and let him know the changes. I already told Owen to lay low until I said otherwise. This was getting so chaotic. Alec wasn't supposed to be here. Now I didn't know what to do. Should I tell him about my plans? I just didn't want to have to involve him unless necessary. I just have to execute the plan without distractions, get the threat out of the way and then I could tell Alec about it. 

"... So, hey! Who is your bunk mate?" Alec asked, just as more thoughts flooded through my mind I noticed Hark behind Alec a yard away. 

"Uh... I'll be right back okay" I hurried away and jogged towards Hark who was on the other side of the tall fence. "Hark!" I hissed. He looked over a mad expression on his face. Fuck...

"Archer?! What the fuck, where have you been? You weren't at the spot we agreed on?"

"Look, something came up," I said and looked back at Alec who was catching up with some of the old ones, mostly the blacks and some of the asians. The whites didn't come near him, they would all glare at him and give him dirty looks. He really pissed them off. 

Hark traced my eyes and sighed. "I knew he looked familiar, that's your guy?" he asked. I nodded  and went on to tell him the new plan, which basically was the old plan, just moved a day. I had to speak to Owen as well, so after I left Hark I went towards Owen. I walked past Alec who had his back to me and luckily didn't notice me. I sat next to Owen and sighed. He placed a hand on my back and told me not to worry. 

"I know.. look we've moved the plan until tomorrow. Okay?" I informed. He simply nodded and looked down at me. I rested my elbows on my spread knees and looked straight ahead.

"Don't worry, we'll have Emilio transferred to another higher security prison and then it'll only be the small problems to worry about. The Mexican's will be weak without their puppet master" He assured. 

"It's not that. It's Alec. I'm afraid something'll happen to him-" 

"Look. If there is one thing you don't have to worry about, it's Alec. This is his ground, you're the visitor from outside. He's tougher than you think." 

"He's weaker than you think. He's been through a lot and.. he just doesn't need this-"

"Alex?" I looked at Owen who was looking over me. It was Alec. I turned around to see he looked confused. 

"Why are you talking to him?" his confused expression turned into anger. His fists balled tightly and he looked like he was about ready to attack. I got up and stood in the middle of Owen and Alec. Owen got up as well, he had an ice cold look on his face.

"Alec, Owen is my cellmate." I said looking back and forth at Alec and Owen. Owen raised a brow and looked boringly at Alec. Like he had been through enough with him. 

"I gotta talk to you." Alec said. I looked at Owen curiously and walked with Alec who dragged me away from Owen. Owen sat back down and threw his leg over the other, his angle on his knee. 

"What's up?" 

"I don't like you talking to him" Alec said his arms crossed over his chest. I looked down at him.

"So you're meaning to tell me that, I can't talk to the only person I'm able to have a conversation with, you know being locked up together in a small room and all?" I nodded with a 'are you serious' look. He sighed and shut his eyes annoyingly. 

"Ugh! I'm sorry, I don't mean to dictate what you should do it's just... He's probably already told you about what I did." He looked down. 

"It's okay. I'm not judging you. I know you did what you did  to survive."

"You don't understand. You weren't there. I broke his heart, it was disgusting. I was cold and heartless. I don't deserve-"

"Hey. It's in the past now okay. I didn't tell you this the day you came to visit because it didn't mean anything, but now that I know you two have history it might be good to mention that..." I trailed off looking over at where Owen were sitting. He was talking to one of the taller white guys. 

"What? Alexander? What is it?" He asked his eyes wide open and frantic when he saw me looking at Owen. 

"Owen and I-"

"No... Please don't tell me that you two..." Alec cut off. His eyes looked watery. 

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