The Dumpster

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Chapter 1: The Dumpster

There is this place where my friends and I, among others, all meet up and just chill. We call it The Dumpster, It's outside near a bar and close to the woods, with trees covering the side of the bar and our place located literally right in front of the woods. The place is outside, so it's more of an area where people come and hang. There's always something happening, people fighting, throwing up gallons of alcohol, making out, and when it isn't this cold people even have intercourse in the middle of street, or behind trees. It's crazy out here, but we come here all the time cause it makes us feel free to be and do whatever we want. And by us, I mean me and some of my friends, some of them are from the same school. It's a big place, lots of space and a lot of people come here, some we don't know as personally as others. Most of my friends who come here are dropouts, but a few have made it far. I'm in my senior year in high school, for the second time. I didn't have enough credit to graduate the first time, but I wanna get out of here, even if I'm a few months late I've decided to get serious for the rest of the year. I want a life outside The Dumpster, no matter how cozy and relaxing it is here.

We've all contributed in finding furniture. Some of us found them in an alley around the block, where the actual dumpsters are at, others got them from god knows where and then we brought them back to this place. We have little less than a dozen big sofas and one-seaters.We have a couple of tables, high and small ones, and wide and big ones, the furniture is pretty disgusting and old, nothing looks new around here, there's garbage everywhere, beer cans and bottles all over the place, but it doesn't really bother us. There's a lot of those big green dumpsters, lining up close to the bar, not that we use them for garbage, but a few people have seen the inside of the dumpsters. Luckily I haven't seen the dumpster from that point of view, but I admit that I was guilty of helping someone out with putting a guy in there. He did not smell like flowers when he got out.

The location couldn't be more perfect, it's a huge area, there's always at least 10-15 people around all the time and the police never comes here, rumours say they're too scared, but I don't know what to believe, it isn't that bad. We have a few bad types, but I'm not scared, luckily people knows not to mess with me, I'm known to have quite a temper.

It's triggering being here after being sober for so long. It feels like I haven't been here for centuries, even though it's only been like 3 days, but still it's a lot to get used to when I used to come here all the time. I know I shouldn't be here but I didn't come to cave in for whatever fun there was here, I simply wanted to talk to one of my friends. Elijah, he was one of my best friends, he was a senior at my school too, yet it was his first time, unlike me who failed and had to take senior year again. I simply needed my notes back from him, or rather, my brothers notes, that he borrowed, though it would surprise me if he actually used them. He should be here getting stoned as usual, but I couldn't find him. A few people were here but I only noticed two of my friends were here, drinking and playing poker with two others I didn't know. I walked towards them, my hoodie on and hands in pockets. I greeted them with usual hand-gestures and head nods. I shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous. I already feel like getting blazed.

"Yo Tiny, where's Eli?" I asked quietly, as I walked towards him greeting him with a fist bump. Don't get fooled by the name, the guy's huge. Tiny was like our big brother, he was an overweight African-American and the funniest of us all. Always knew how to make us laugh. Even though he was a funny guy, it didn't always mean he was a nice guy. He had a temper just like the rest of those who came here, yet he was known as the funny one. I was known as the one with the worst temper. It's funny cause so many of the guys here a like ten times bigger than me, but yet everyone knew not to mess with me cause my temper was out of control. I remember once I almost beat another guy to death cause he had stolen Tiny's blunt. People were scared shitless of me.

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