Three is a Crowd

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Chapter 38: Three is a Crowd

"No! No... Look. Owen kissed me and I pushed him away okay. Nothing serious happened, I promise. But you know, he's had his times where he's been really down. I've tried my best to comfort him." I explained. I could tell Alec tensed. His entire body screamed to kill someone, Owen expectedly. I placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned in closer. 

"If it wasn't for me breaking him, he would never need comforting. I don't-"

"Hey... hey. It's okay. Alright?" I looked down at him and leaned down. Out of nowhere he suddenly pushed me back. 

"Alex? Not here. The guys in here aren't as accepting as the people outside these fences." He looked around to see if anyone was watching. He tugged at my sleeve. "Come, I know a place..." he led me away. 


We went inside the cafeteria and around to the back. Passed the tv-room, the class rooms. He stopped in front of a room with a lock. It was a code lock. He turned the small numbers up and down, then "click" the lock sounded and the door was open. It was like a small stockroom. It had all kinds of different things, from plastic plates to blankets and extra chairs and couches. He locked the door and caught up with me, I had gone to sit on the couch. I looked around. 

"Aren't anybody gonna come in here?" I asked. 

"They rarely use this in day time, the janitors usually come when everyone's locked up and asleep." He sat down next to me, and asked me to tell him about my plan. To be honest, the plan was not complete. It missed a few things. I actually thought about it, and Alec would be a huge help since Emilio trusted him, but I'd never get him involved, he needed to lay low until he got out. 

"We were gonna bust Emilio while he did his license plate scheme. It's just I was gonna be the guy that lured him into the work room, and have him busted by Hark. It's a bit undercooked, but I hope it'll work"

"How are you gonna get him down there? He's never at the crime scene himself"

"Well I'd tell him a lie, like one of his guys got into a big fight or something"

"He'd never fall for that. Beside's he'd just send Lucky or something." He paused for second before continuing. "Would you let me help you. Please. Your plan is good, but it'll only work with me in it?"



I sat with Owen at our usual spot. We talked about how it had been nice and quiet ever since Emilio left the prison. 

"Dude, I can't shake the look on his face out of my memory. Priceless." He laughed. The sun was shining making it impossible to open my eyes. The snow had disappeared and spring was showing itself. Owen had taken his white shirt off and placed it on the table of the bench behind him. The sun reflected on the sweat on his trained abdomen. His tan line showed slightly at the hem of his pants. Beads of sweat lingered on his forehead. His eyes were closed and his chest slightly rising and falling. He looked so at peace. 

"Your time is almost up. Are you ready for that?" I asked him. 

"Hell fucking yes I am. Are you kidding me. Oh God. 3 years spend in this hell hole. I'm gonna start going to church, no booze no drugs. I'm gonna get an education, maybe get married. Have kids" He smiled not moving his face away from the sun. I looked at him confused as fuck. He opened one eye with a smirk and started laughing. 

"You had me for a moment there"

"Gosh no, God has given up on me a long time ago, haven't talked to the guy since fifth grade." He chuckled some more. He was excited I could tell. 

"What time they gonna come to get you?" I asked.

"Anytime now." He hummed. His hands behind his head. "Oh God, I'm never coming back here ever again." 

"What? No regrets?" I asked. 

"Just one. What about you? When you getting out?" He asked not answering my first question entirely. 

"Next week. I'm gonna see you on the other side though right?" I looked at him waiting for a response. He took his time. I saw a fat guard approaching from a distance, as if in slow motion. He looked at me finally. 

"You don't need me. You have Alec." He got up and grabbed his shirt, throwing it over his shoulder. I got up as well. 

"It doesn't have to be like that. You should visit, meet the guys." 

"Oh yeah, really wanted to meet the infamous garbage boys." 

"The dumpster" I corrected him with a chuckle. He came closer to me. The guard had managed to near up on us. 

"Look, it has pained me enough being locked up with you, not being able to touch you the way I desire. So please. Don't make this harder for me."

"Owen Williams, come on boy, the day you've been waiting for." The guard called for Owen. He was too lazy to come all the way so now he's awkwardly standing a couple feet away from us. 


"My only regret?" He looked at me, his face inches away. "Not fighting harder for you... I'm sorry but I have to." He leaned in close, his lips an inch away. Catching me off guard, his lips touched mine and lingered for just a second before he stepped away. "Take care, Archer."



So, Alec didn't appear at the end of this chapter, hmm how come? did he die or something???? jk. maybe. idk. ok. let me know what you think. Who would you rather Alexander was with, Owen or Alec? 

Stay Happy

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