"Come On, It's Nothing. Nothing"

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Chapter 9: "Come On, It's Nothing. Nothing"


It wasn't ugly. The opposite actual, it looked good. I could actually see my entire face. He was good, he made a good job cutting my hair. He has cut it shorter on the sides and kept it long in the middle. I'm not saying I don't miss my dreads, I do. But maybe a change is good. I feel good, like I can breath again. Right now I was home, I skipped school after they cut my hair, I didn't feel like staying. I was too angry, I was afraid to lose my temper if I stayed, so I went home. My father was downstairs with Jax, helping him with his homework. I decided to go downstairs and join them. Since I doubt Alec would dare come over now to study, I might as well get em' done myself. I grabbed my stuff and when I got downstairs I sat down next to my dad and in front of Jax. My dad looked up at me puzzled.

"Hey son, you need help with something?" he asked with his usual warm smile, rubbing my head and messing up my hair, then re-adjusting his big squared glasses that emphasized his big green eyes, that he had passed on to me and Jax. We both had our dad's big green eyes. My dad has always been there for us, he put his kids before anything, even his own wife. Not that he didn't love her, he just knew how to prioritise. He loved us all, he had so much love to give.

"Not yet, but when I do, I will let you know, okay?" I questioned.

"Alright, son" he nodded.


After a couple of hours and in the late evening, I had finished my essay and finished reading that book we got in English class. I thanked my dad for his help, and even Jax. I hate to admit it, but since he's smarter than me I asked for help and he provided. I was lucky to have a brother like him, and even though he had his moments of social stupidity and ignorance, I still love him.

I went upstairs to my room and laid down on my bed, resting my head on my hands. In this moment of complete silence I was reminded of all the people I cut off during my time of getting sober. I missed my friends at the Dumpster, I missed The Dumpster. They were good people, and I didn't as much as return any of their texts. They might as well think I am dead. I wanted to visit them, not to drink or smoke or anything, just to say hello. It's been a while. I got up from the bed but froze. Should I really? I mean it couldn't hurt just to say hi. No, what if you fall off the wagon, you've been sober for weeks, come one, this isn't a good idea. I'm just so bored, and I promise I won't touch anything I'm not allowed to. This is a bad idea. Alright fuck it, I'll just say hi and I'll be home again before midnight. I got my hoodie and my jacket put them on and jogged downstairs and grabbed my shoes.

"Hey where are you going?" Jax asked while playing his video games, he wasn't paying much attention to me, so if I didn't answer he probably wouldn't even notice, but just to be safe and not raise suspicion I replied.

"Out" I mumbled.

"Out where" he asked, he glanced at me for less than a second and returned his attention on his game.

"None of your business."

"Going out with your boyfriend?" he teased with a cocky smirk. I had no idea who he was talking about but he pissed me off anyway. So I grabbed a random shoe and threw it at him, hitting the side of his head. He whined loudly and yelled like a little bitch. "Ouch! you asshole, jesus, you don't have to tell me about it, I don't need to hear about you and your little bitch's sex life, you know I think it's lame, you should never be with someone who has the same name as you, just disgusting" he said laughing like the annoying little brother that he is. What was wrong with him? Just moments ago he was helping me with my homework, and as soon as I thought things were great, he brings up Alec and turns into a little bitch. And even though what he said was just him teasing, it still hit something inside me that made me flip. I was in the middle of putting on my shoe when he had said it, I released it and jumped him on the couch. We wrestled on the couch, he rolled me over so I landed on the ground with him on top of me. He threw a punch at me that  dodged. "You like this don't you, probably doing it with him. You little bitch." He spat. I rolled him over against the couch, he hit his head against the leg of the couch. He groaned and tried to reach for my neck to choke me, but I grabbed his hand and pinned it against the floor.

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