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Chapter 33: Unknown

The next morning, it was breakfast time. The loud buzzer sounded and guards started lining us up. We were led to the cafeteria and set free. As free as it got in here. After grabbing my food I went to sit with the Mexicans. I could feel eyes digging holes into my back. People were staring as I took a place next to Emilio. Even the hispanics at the table were shocked. I usually sat with the white trash, keeping to myself, but I decided to play smart. If I got on the Mexican's good side, I'd have a better chance at escape. 

Emilio greeted with a nod and the rest simply continued their chitchatting, over half of them speaking a language I couldn't understand. I got the smaller words, cuss words and shit but other than that, they were speaking too fast for me. There was one of the Mexican, a thin fella, trying to create contact, I simple ate my food, pretending to be alone. Emilio was speaking to his right hand, sending flirty glances to the guard. Very subtle. I looked behind my back to see Collin with a serious face and his hands linked behind him, as if he was the one in cuffs. Something about the guards here annoyed me. They were dirty most of them, it would surprise me to find one clean guard, who actually did his job instead of creating more crime. The system was broken, but it wasn't my job to fix it.

Most of the guys in here were old. Or, older than me. I don't think there was a single guy my age, well not in this block anyway. The youngest guy, after me, was probably Owen, who was I'd say 25 or so. It was weird that one of the youngest inmates ruled over an entire group. The big white guys gang, which was not to be confused with the white trash, which consisted of old crack heads, junkies and such. I belonged to the big white group, talking solely technically. I had hoped to be able to stay in the dark and not have to join a group, but that resulted in having to join the Mexicans. which sucked even more. I didn't want to be with the Mexican, if anything, I wanted more to be with Owen's group. He seemed like a cool guy, plus he was respected in here. I would feel safer there. With the Mexican I feel like the black sheep, reverse. 

I suddenly noticed Owen's gaze towards me, I looked up, my head still down and saw him wearing his usual careless expression with a hint of anger. He was sitting on the bench, with his apple in his hand, taking a big bite of it, and letting his arms rest on the table lined up next to his tray of food. He raised his brow, when none of us looked away from each others gaze. I drank from my water bottle and stared at him again. Why was he looking at me for? 

Emilio noticed my gaze and looked behind him at Owen. Owen didn't notice, and kept looking at me. 

"What, you need me to handle that guy? You know we got your back now right? You gon' be one of us soon." Emilio said. I removed my gaze from Owen and looked at Emilio. 

"No, you don't have to do anything..." I said cooly. Owen got up, after a guard told him something, I think he had a visitor. Together with his crew he disappeared out of the cafeteria. "Or actually... can you get me to see that visitor that came by yesterday. I wanna know who it was." I said looking at Emilio who was smirking. I know I was digging here, and it was dangerous to owe him. But I had to know if it was Alec. 

"Well, that's a different story. This is not just getting white boy to stop staring at you. This is a harder job, ya know. And you're not even officially one of us. Now don't get me wrong, if you had worked with the plates for a while and we could trust you, we would help you within the blink of an eye. But this'll cost ya boy." He smiled evilly. 

"Come on Emilio, I'll be working with ya soon. I'm risking more than you will" I tried pleading. I wasn't gonna start owing this guy. But I would if that's what it would take. What if it was Alec?

"If you wanna know if lover boy came to see you yesterday, you're gonna owe me. But don't worry, you'll get good for your money. Solid prove of the person visiting you yesterday. On my word." He said. 

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