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A/N: Please notice the change of point of view later in the chapter! :D

Stay Happy


Chapter 31: Distance

It had been three days since I last spoke to Alec. The first day I tried staying sane. I thought giving him a little time to think and breathe. But the second day I couldn't control myself anymore. I had called him several times, texted him, but with no response. The third day, today, I went to his house. I stood in front of his door in the dark cold weather when Elijah opened. He looked tired, devastated, mad even. He had one of his arms crossed, from the cold wind rushing inside. He shook his head. I stepped down from their porch. I stared at Elijah as he closed the door. My nose red and I sniffled. I had my hands in my pockets, to keep them warm.

I went around the side of the house and looked up at the window. His room. There was a dim light, like from an unsteady candle. I took out my phone and dialled his number for the umpteenth time. I pressed call and heard a slight ringing from his room. The next thing I saw had my heart sinking. He threw his phone across his room, ending the ringing. A tear slid down.

What I did was stupid. He told me several times not to act on temper, but I was so scared that Felix had hurt him that I didn't know what to do. He blames himself now, and it's my fault.


I had to go to the court tomorrow, and I was nervous. Of course I was nervous, with my background, they could easily give me a long sentence. Especially from what happened since before Julian succeeded in changing my behaviour. I must admit, no matter how much I despise the guy, he had helped me. If I was the same I was a couple of month ago, I would be doomed. I'd probably be in jail by now, probably for murder. I know I'm still troubled, and beating Felix to the pulp probably isn't the best way to behave, but trust me, if this was just a couple of months ago, I would've killed the guy, in a heartbeat.

I did some stupid things back in the days. What the lady meant with second offence was from way back. I was sixteen, we were at this shady underground rave and things escalated, I got into a fight with a douche and ended up shooting his foot. I didn't have a permit, but when I was caught, I got off easy. First offence and underage, so I got community service with some charges to pay that my parents took care of. But this time, it was worse. I could get jail time if I didn't come up with something. But what? Was there even anything I could do? I was surely going to jail, it was unquestionable.

But the worst part was that Alec wasn't gonna be there. If I was going to jail, I would want to see Alec for one last time. I feel like I really fucked up this time, but what else was I supposed to do? I had to tell him, or else it would come back to bite me in the ass. I need Alec.


Alec's POV!

I was in my room when I received a call from none other than Alex. Ugh. It was hard enough without him trying to contact me. I tried really hard to just forget him, but it was so hard.

I remember first time I saw him. He was with his friends, laughing talking. I could tell how everyone around him at the dumpster respected him. It was so clear. When he looked at me, I knew it was best to leave, but his eyes were mesmerizing, I forgot to look away.

I remember the first time I met him. He entered Julians office, with no idea what was ahead of him. I love him. But we were bad for each other. It would end badly, I could tell. He was going to jail because of me. I could never forgive myself, nor him for what happened. His love for me I know is strong, but it's dangerous, God knows what he'd do for me. And I know what I did was mean, I left him just like that. Without further, without giving him a chance. But I couldn't, that would only give him hope. And I couldn't do that. It was too hurtful.

I know I'm being hypocritical. I would do the same for him. This is why this is too precarious.

I knew he had trial today, I knew it was a lost case. I wanted to see him so bad. Just one last time. But I couldn't. It would be selfish of me to see him, knowing he'd think more of it. But I knew what I had to do. There was something that could possibly reduce his time.


Back to Alexander's POV!

I was in my finest suit, the only one I owned actually. My lawyer next to me behind the table, in front of the high judge panel. The sun was shining through the window. Next to my table, a few feet away was the prosecutor. She looked like the devil, short blonde hair, straightened and smooth. Her pantsuit blue with a loose white silk shirt under the jacket. Her face scrunched like the green grinch who stole Christmas. She needed to get laid, I winked at her when I she glanced my way.

I looked behind me to see my mom, dad and Jax, finely dressed and worried expressions plastered on their faces. Jax looked worried, yet I could tell he was trying to hide it. Then when I gave them an assuring smile, I saw three people entering the court room, I hadn't expected to come. It was Elijah, Julia and Julian. They came up to the first row, next to Jax sat Elijah and the two counsellors took a seat next to each other. I looked at my Lawyer, who looked at me assuringly and nodded. I nodded hesitantly, and almost jumped to the sound of the hammer hitting the table. I looked up to see an old judge, his hair white as snow, and beard trimmed.

"Order" He firmly said. "Let's begin, Mr. Archer. You have a history of felony acts, which leads me to believe this case is as good as closed. Let me list the damage you caused Mr. Wilkerson, fractured jaw, two broken ribs, several bruises to face and abdomen, cut lip and swollen eye. The kid has to stay 3 weeks in the hospital, now, I understand that Mr. Wilkerson couldn't be here with us today, so I ask his lawyer can you speak on his behalf about charges?" The judge looked at the devil-lady.

"Mr. Felix Wilkerson has given me the right to answer on his behalf, and he is pressing assault charges against Mr. Alexander Archer" She said hiding a smirk. Bitch. Now I know it wasn't her fault, I couldn't help being angry at everyone. Felix was pressing charges, even though it was a provoked fight.

"Do you have anything to add, Mr. Archer?" The judge asked. I looked at my lawyer.

"Yes, we would like Mr. Archer's counsellor, Julian Jones, to the stand." Oscar, my lawyer said.


The case had been going on for a while now. Both Julian and Julia had been on the stand to speak on my behalf, on how good I had been doing since my last "felony" hoping it would reduce my sentence. I hoped it helped. After Julia walked down from the stand, giving me a smile, and a wink, I smiled back. The judge hit the hammer against the table again and had come to a result. The sentence he gave me wasn't bad, the only problem was that it was going to be written on my record. I received 4 months in a state prison, which was a bit scary, seeing as I would be behind in school. Which sucked since I had just caught up to the rest of the class, but I couldn't really do anything about it. I had done this to myself. I had just hoped Alec was here. Maybe I could study in prison until I got out. The officers came up to me and led me out. I looked at my parents one last time. I saw Jax, he was tearing up. Elijah, gave me a worried look. Julian and Julia looked devastated, all their hard work, and I ended up here anyway. This really sucked, I hated that I couldn't do anything about it. I felt so broken.

The worse part wasn't even the jail time, it was the fact that things had ended bad with me and Alec. I wanted him, but now even I knew I couldn't have him. It would be selfish of me to think he'd wait for me, even though what we had wasn't even close to just physical.

The officers led me to a van outside. They had cuffed me inside the court room, and now they were throwing me in the back, there were two other dudes in there, both bald, one with tattoos on his head, the other with a weird moustache. I looked out of the end of the van, thinking about Alec.


I had gone through security, taken a shower put on my blue prison outfit, with the grey slippers and white t-shirt underneath, and was now being led by a officer in a line of 20 new prisoners, through the gates and into the prison. We entered the restricted area and he led us to our cells, our line becoming shorter and shorter until it was my turn. The cell opened and he pushed me inside. After closing the cell door, he unlocked my cuffs. I turned around to see my cell mate in his top bunk, reading a book. He looked masculine. broad shoulder, not too big though. He slowly moved his book to his chest to look at me, then he lifted a brow and went back to reading. This is going to be fun...

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